You can use a variety of tools for sending messages to a group. We have outlined solutions, rated them for effort required, and have identified key considerations.
Data Extension is another name for the file that gets loaded to Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SMC) as a result of a Donor Management System (DMS) email request.
All commercial emails must include an unsubscribe (opt-out) link, a privacy policy link, and other content described below.
This required info is usually included in the footer of the email.
The Donor Management System (DMS) is a collection of custom-designed modules and integrated software services that serves over 1,800 users (staff around the UofM including the five campuses) who work in alumni relatio
When you want to change something within Enterprise CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create a Support Case.
Student CRM communicates with Peoplesoft, but not automatically. When a student emails from their UMN Email address the Contact is automatically associated with the Peoplesoft record.
What Are Views?
Creating Views is a great way to save yourself time when looking for certain types of records. At the top of every individual Object's Home Tab (i.e.
When working in Enterprise CRM and setting up new business processes it can sometimes be confusing to remember which type of Object you need set up for what purpose.
When someone puts in a request via email, a web form, or walks-in to one of your locations they may provide different information for themselves based on the information requested and their place within the applicatio
Most of the time when working with Cases you'll be managing email communications. The below is an outline of how to navigate to and send an email from a Case record.
Setting Default Record Types can save time. When creating different records there may be dropdown menus where the same field gets selected over and over again.
What Are Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments?
Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments can be used to associate particular information or documents to records within CRM using various formats.
What Are Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments?
Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments can be used to associate particular information or documents to records within CRM using various formats.
What Are Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments?
Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments can be used to associate particular information or documents to records within CRM using various formats. 
What Are Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments?
Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments can be used to associate particular information or documents to records within CRM using various formats.
What Are Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments?
Google Docs, Notes, and Attachments can be used to associate particular information or documents to records with
What is Additional Contact Information?
Additional Contact Information allows you to add information to a Contact record beyond the default Home and Other addresses within the default Address Infor
What Are Travel Records?
Travel records allow you to associate events, notable time periods (like semesters, fiscal quarters, etc.), campuses, and other information you'd like to record with a specific
What Are Bios?
Bios records are tools that allow you to assign information about a contact or organization to the Contact or Organization record within Enterprise CRM.
What Are Tasks?
Tasks are like a To-do list within CRM. They can be used to assign yourself or other Users to call, email, or meet with Contacts or Organizations that can show up on your Home Tab.
What Are Tasks?
Tasks are like a to-do list within CRM. They can be used to assign yourself or other Users to call, email, or meet with Contacts or Organizations that can show up on your Home Tab.
What Are Tasks?
Tasks are like a to-do list within CRM. They can be used to assign yourself or other Users to call, email, or meet with Contacts or Organizations that can show up on your Home Tab.
What are Tasks?
Tasks can be used like a To-do list within CRM. They can be used to assign Users to call, email, or take any other type of action with Leads.
What Are Travel Records?
Travel records allow you to associate events, notable time periods (like semesters, fiscal quarters, etc.), campuses, and other information you'd like to record with a specific
What Are Interested Party Assignments?
Interested Party assignments allow you to assign the name of a group of Users to relevant Contact and/or Bio records.
What Are Interested Party Assignments?
Interested Party assignments allow you to assign the name of a group of Users to relevant Contact and/or Bio records.
When you want to change something within Enterprise CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create an Internal Support Case.
What Are Bios?
Bios records are powerful tools that allow you to assign information about a contact or organization to the Contact or Organization record within Enterprise CRM.
What Are Bios?
Bios records are tools that allow you to assign information about a contact or organization to the Contact or Organization record within Enterprise CRM.
What Are Bios?
Bios records are powerful tools that allow you to assign information about a contact or organization to the Contact or Organization record within Enterprise CRM.
What Are Views?
Creating Views is a great way to save yourself time and hassle when looking for certain types of records. At the top of every individual Object's Home Tab (i.e.
What Are Interested Party Assignments?
Interested Party assignments allow you to assign the name of a group of Users to relevant Contact, Organization and/or Bio records.
What is a Lead?
Leads can be used to capture potential opportunities within Enterprise CRM, such as people you've met at a conference or someone who emailed your business unit requesting additional informati
What Are Travel Records?
Travel records allow you to associate events, notable time periods (like semesters, fiscal quarters, etc.), campuses, and other information you'd like to record with a specific locat
What is an Opportunity?
Opportunities are sales, pending deals, or other transactions or interactions that your business unit would like to track and forecast.
What is Reserved Organization Data?
Reserved Organization Data allows you to add information to an Organization that is private to your business unit or organization.
Send an Email allows you to send an email associated with the Contact record to a single or multiple Contacts by either typing, copying and pasting in content, or using any
Many users inquire about the differences between Google Groups and Listservs. Although Listserv was scheduled to be retired, this has been delayed indefinitely due to some of the unique benefits it provides.
Google Groups, a tool for a team of users to quickly collaborate with one another either via email, or any of Google's various applications, is available with Google Apps for the University of Minnesota.
This checklist should be completed prior to submitting a request to have your Jadu Central form moved to production. It is intended to guide you through the list of items on your form that will be checked and wil
This checklist should be completed prior to submitting a request to have your Jadu Central form moved to production. It is intended to guide you through the list of items on your form that will be checked and wil
When you create an Action Template, you will be prompted to choose a Template Type. Some of the listed Template Types are unavailable in our implementation of Jadu Forms, as shown in the list below the screenshot.
When you create an Action Template, you will be prompted to choose a Template Type. Some of the listed Template Types are unavailable in our implementation of Jadu Forms, as shown in the list below the screenshot.
USERV - D - Position Detail - Union (PAN)
Description: Displays the union of the currently selected position. If the position doesn't exist, the field will be empty.
CLI (R) - Class Validation (PS)
Description: Allows an end user to see how many times a student has taken a specific course and if they are allowed to take it again based on the studen
SR - Career/Campus Selector (PS)
Description: Allows a user to select a career/campus from a list of all of the currently logged in user's active career/campus combinations.
SR - Dropped Enrollment (PS)
Description: Allows a currently logged in user to select a course from a list of courses that they are currently enrolled in.
UMN - Address - Mailing (PS)
Description: Displays the mailing address for the currently logged in user. If there is no mailing address, the field will be empty.
Description: Allows a user to lookup a school's FICE code using the Peoplesoft external organization ID.
Source System: Peoplesoft
USERV - Active Position Lookup (PAN)
Description: Allows a user to search for a position that is in the PAN database by selecting any combination of department, job code, and position id.
USERV - D - Position Detail - Craft (PAN)
Description: Displays the craft of the currently selected position. If the position doesn't exist, the field will be empty.
USERV - D - Position Detail - Crew (PAN)
Description: Displays the crew of the currently selected position. If the position doesn t exist, the field will be empty.
USERV - D - Position Detail - Job Code (PAN)
Description: Displays the job code of the currently selected position. If the position doesn't exist, the field will be empty.
USERV - D - Position Detail - Site (PAN)
Description: Displays the site of the currently selected position. If the position doesn't exist, the field will be empty.
USERV - D - Position Detail - Supervisor (PAN)
Description: Displays the supervisor of the currently selected position. If the position doesn't exist, the field will be empty.
USERV - D - Position Detail - UM Title (PAN)
Description: Displays the UM title of the currently selected position. If the position doesn't exist, the field will be empty.
USERV - D - Position Detail - Warehouse (PAN)
Description: Displays the warehouse of the currently selected position. If the position doesn't exist, the field will be empty.
UMN - Flag - SR - Degree Checkout Status
Description: Allows a user to lookup the logged in end user's degree checkout status.
Source System: Peoplesoft
UMN - Flag - SR - User Has Active Career
Description: Determines if the logged in end user has an active career based on the career and campus selected by the form builder.
UMN - Perceptive Index - Full Name
Description: Pulls the logged in user's full name from Peoplesoft and trims it to 39 characters. This is intended to be used as a Perceptive index.
UMN - Perceptive Index - Trim Value
Description: Pass in a value and it will be trimmed down to 39 characters. This is intended to be used as a Perceptive index.
Documents can be sent to Perceptive Content for long-term storage. These records can either be archived or added to a Perceptive Content workflow process for further processing.
Documents can be sent to Perceptive Content for long-term storage. These records can either be archived or added to a Perceptive Content workflow process for further processing.
Creating a PDF
Your initial form can be created using a variety of tools, after which you can use Adobe Acrobat DC to make it a fillable PDF form.The software you can use to create a PDF&nb
You can take your business process diagram and add in Jadu Central and Jadu Connect steps. This helps you to figure out how your Jadu Connect workflow will work.
A status allows you to give end-users a quick indication of where the case stands at any particular moment and what step the case may be waiting for. A case can be in only one status at a given point in time.
Use emails from Jadu Connect to alert users of dates or to send reminders.
Note: Emails in Jadu Connect are not as customizable as those in Jadu Central.
A status allows you to give end-users a quick indication of where the case stands at any particular moment and what step the case may be waiting for. Statuses are informational and categorical.
The Integrated component Person Lookup allows submitters to search for a person by entering either an internetID or emplid and displays the person's Preferred Name and Email Address.
It's useful to make sure that emails generated by a form go to an appropriate test account during the testing phase of building a form, and go to the correct recipient(s) once the form is in production.
Step 1: Gain Familiarity with Jadu Central and Build a Form
In order to begin working with Jadu Connect workflows, you must be familiar with some basic Jadu Central functionality. This includes:
This table shows some of the high level functionality offered in Jadu Central and Jadu Connect to help you decide which components you need for your forms.
This table shows some of the high level functionality offered in Jadu Central and Jadu Connect to help you decide which components you need for your forms.
It is important to understand image copyright when using images in knowledge. If you're searching images on the web, you should confirm their licensing status before using them in any UMN content.
When you log into Perceptive Experience (formerly known as WebNow) and navigate to Workflows, documents may sometimes not appear in the list upon visiting the page. To forcibly load the documents in a given Workf
Audience: Vet Diagnostics Lab only
If you are a member of the Veterinary Diagnostics Labs, use this article to set your VDL Scanner settings.
In this article:
The Perceptive Content desktop client was made available to Facilities Management in order to prevent conflicts in Internet Explorer with Compass and WebNow.
Perceptive Content is the University's document management system which is used for scanning, archiving, and retrieving documents. For technical support, questions can be directed to the relevant helpline.
Documents or files can be captured in Perceptive Experience in several ways. With multiple methods available, depending on your business process, the Document Management Team will help you choose appropriately.
Perceptive Experience is the HTML5 web app for the Imaging Service at the University of Minnesota. This document details how to use Perceptive Experience to find and view documents.
Appointments can assign a staff user to an appointment with a Prospect record or other CRM Users. Depending on how appointments are setup, they can be used internally as reminders for staff members or Prospect re
Duplicate records can happen for a variety of reasons. A Prospect already in the system with their full name could fill out an RFI, Visit Request, or other form potentially loaded into the CRM with their nickname.
There may be times when you want to create a List/Campaign that has many of the same characteristics of an existing campaign with only minor changes. Cloning a current List/Campaign can help save t
There may be times when you want to create a Query that is similar to an existing Query record but with minor changes. Cloning a current Query can help save time by transferring some of the in
The Events App in Recruitment CRM allows you to manage all objects related to Events and Visits in one convenient space. It also allows you to create Visits and Events in a more streamlined fashion.
Queries are the backbone of your campaign. Using Query Builder to create your campaign will determine who you call. You can use a large variety of criteria to narrow down members of your campaign.
When you want to change something within Recruitment CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create a Support Case.
When you want to change something within Recruitment CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create a Support Case.
When you want to change something within Recruitment CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create a Support Case.
When you want to change something within Recruitment CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create a Support Case.
When you want to change something within Recruitment CRM, or if something isn't quite working the way you think it should, then you'll need to create a Support Case.
When, why, and how to email Event Attendees will be largely determined by internal business processes. Some emails may already be automated and some campuses may choose to send emails at different times.
The definitions below are specific to the University of Minnesota CRM for Recruitment which is used to manage data and interactions for potential students during the recruitment process for Admissions offices at
This article outlines transactions with Prospect records that should be put in a Call Log. Internal business processes will dictate when these interactions need to be recorded or not.
Bios are usually put into the system from outside sources. Sometimes, however, you may have a need to enter Bio information about a Prospect right away or a Prospect that has no other source.
This definitions document is a resource for understanding the fields that show on a Prospect record and the different ways in which they can be modified.
Which staff gets assigned and when to Event Attendee records, is largely determined by internal business processes. This article shows how to assign staff on the Event Attendee record.
When, why, and how to email Prospects is largely determined by internal business processes. This article illustrates how to manually send an email from a Prospect record.
Setting Default Record Types can save time. When creating different records there may be dropdown menus where the same field gets selected over and over again.
This informational article is meant to clarify some fields of interest within CRM that may not be entirely intuitive due to initial setup issues between Silverpop and Salesforce.
Information that shows in the Bio field within CRM often comes from external sources. Sometimes you will be interacting with a Prospect and new information is available that you may wish to update right away.
When, why, and how to email Event Attendees will be largely determined by internal business processes. Some emails may already be automated and some campuses may choose to send emails at different times.
When creating Knowledge Articles, make sure that they can be easily found by your target audience. Sometimes they base searches on words that are not a natural part of the article text.
When you get an email saying Case Ready for Verification in Production, it means that a Case you submitted has been fixed and pushed to the live Recruitment CRM site.
Available Filter Criteria for Queues
Queues are useful in managing workflows, ensuring that the correct employees get requests or appointments, and in reporting.
When importing contacts into a data extension or list, you will be required to specify a unique subscriber key to identify the recipient within Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
When importing contacts into a data extension or list, you will be required to specify a unique subscriber key to identify the recipient within Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
Each University of Minnesota business unit that uses Salesforce Marketing Cloud has designated a key person.
If you already use Salesforce Marketing Cloud and you want access to another
Each University of Minnesota business unit that uses Salesforce Marketing Cloud has designated a key person.
If you already use Salesforce Marketing Cloud and you want access to another
Tracked links in your Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SMC) emails go to SMC, and are redirected to your intended URL. These SMC links will eventually expire, after which they will redirect to a specified Redirect URL.
Tracked links in your Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SMC) emails go to SMC, and are redirected to your intended URL. These SMC links will eventually expire, after which they will redirect to a specified Redirect URL.
To help you conform with legal and policy requirements and save you time, University Relations has created footers and shared them with you in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
To help you conform with legal and policy requirements and save you time, University Relations has created footers and shared them with you in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
Approvers will receive a TeamDynamix email with a link to the approval needed. This article is for those people who have the general technician role within TeamDynamix group and supervisor approvals.
A person who is designated as an approver in TeamDynamix (TDX) can use either of two methods in this article to approve or reject an Access Request Form (ARF).
There may be times when you need to give partial approval of access or service to a Requestor. Depending on the situation, use one of these methods to communicate partial approval:
This article gives an overview of what you are looking at when you click on the title or ticket ID number of a Request ticket in the Awaiting my Approvals section of TDNext.
Use the Edit button to make revisions to the original fields in the ticket, such as associating a different knowledge base article to the ticket or revising the Impact or Urgency of a ticket.
This article shows the process to reduce the occurrence of bouncing tickets. A bouncing ticket is one that is “moved between teams excessively” or “bounced” between teams four or more times.
This article covers how to handle situations where a customer does not responds to questions about an incident ticket, making it impossible to resolve.
This article details the Incident Task Process responsibilities for Tier 2 (T2), Desktop Support, and Tier 3 (T3) staff in OIT (Office of Information Technology).
This article can be used as a template for finding High Security IT Assets that have not checked in with Jamf or MECEM (SCCM, or System Center Configuration Manager) for the past 60 days in order to get them checked in,
This article covers how to create and update an asset record. Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for asset creation and updates are also provided. This article covers the follow topics:
When you need to use a table in a knowledge base article, follow these guidelines and formatting instructions to make the content accessible to all users.
This article covers:
Alternative text, or alt text, provides a text equivalent for images, charts, graphs, and more. This article discusses how to add Alternative Text in TeamDynamix (TDX) Knowledge Base articles.
Before archiving a knowledge base article you need to check for other TDX articles that link to it and either remove those links or update them to avoid breaking those links.
TDX allows you to edit an existing article and then save your changes as a Draft. The Draft version won't be visible to others until you Approve This Revision it.
Technicians can edit an article owned by them or by their Group until it has been submitted for approval. Once submitted only those people with an editor role will be able to edit your article.
Anyone with a technician role in TDX can leave Feedback on an article and can see all the Feedback left on any article. Feedback helps us keep our Knowledge Base up to date and relevant.
Properly formed subjects greatly help with both searching and identifying which article to use.
Writing Article Titles
Follow these guidelines to better help users find your article:
Locating the names of buttons when writing knowledge allows for increased accessibility for readers, particularly those who use screen readers.
This article covers:
You can make an anchor link or in-page link (sometimes called a jump link) by associating an anchor with selected text on a page, and then linking it to another location on the same page.
While you can use a variety of editors when drafting a knowledge base article, Google Docs is the most common choice because it is readily available and easy to use.
If there is an article published on the Technology Help website ( that should not be there, it can be changed to a restricted article or to an internal article.
Restrict access to sensitive content. Publicly available information about processes or systems can be exploited to social engineer our organization, possibly leading to loss of private data or customer trust.
It is the responsibility of every OIT support professional to contribute to our knowledge ecosystem. Effective contribution requires collaboration, both within your team and with others.
You can help our users help themselves by providing them with links to knowledge articles published to the Technology Help website or wherever your department publishes its knowle
Anyone can create a new Knowledge Base article and submit it for approval by an editor.
Before someone submits an article, they should have reviewed it for technical accuracy first.
All articles, regardless of status, are visible to all Technicians, Group Knowledge Editors, and Global Knowledge Editors. The matrix below spells out the visibility for all consumers of TDX Knowledge.
Create a Major Incident when any large scale outage occurs or when an outage impacts a large number of people. Work the Major Incident until the outage is resolved or a workaround is in place.
You can set up a filter in your University email account to automatically forward all Major Incident communications from TeamDynamix to your mobile device.
The focus of working through a Major Incident is to find a permanent fix for what is broken or a viable workaround that will allow affected users to continue working.
The purpose of a Problem ticket is to manage the analysis process for either what happened during a Major Incident ticket or for analysis of recurring incidents that seem to be related.
Two actions commonly taken when working a problem ticket are assigning tasks and providing status updates for technicians. This article covers common actions you will take such as updating technicians of status,
You can email report results to other people, whether or not they have access to TDNext. You can also set up the report to run on a specific schedule and email the results to users with that schedule.
You can share a report with other Groups or individuals. Sharing a report with other groups allows technicians within the group to run the report you created.
TDX comes with some pre-built reports which you can run right away. It also has many report templates that you can copy and modify to pull results for your own purposes.
After a user has already filled out a Service Request form, they may call in to see the status of the request. This article walks through the steps to do that without making a ticket.
You can fill out a request on behalf of a user when the situation warrants. When you do, be sure to open a Service Request ticket in TDNext. Clearly document the situation and what form you filled out on their behalf.
Anytime a user contacts us with a Request (something is needed for a job; not when something is broken), complete a thorough search for a Service Request form in the Client Portal.
Service Request forms are housed in the Client Portal area of TDX. These forms are also available to users throughout the public-facing website of the group or department that they are associated with.
During the lifecycle of a ticket, there may be additional stakeholders who need updates as work progresses. Adding them as Contacts to the ticket allows a technician to notify them when updating the ticket.
When working with colleagues on tickets and ticket tasks, use the Comment feature in the Ticket Feed to communicate back and forth regarding the work that needs to be done on a ticket.
You can create a ticket template to apply when filling out a ticket. Any field values you set in the template will auto-populate those same fields in the ticket saving time.
When you can remember the name of a technician but not the Responsible Group(s) to which they belong, you can find their group(s) using the Search Filter to find tickets already assigned to that person.
There are several ways to search for tickets in TeamDynamix. Each ticket, no matter what ticket classification it is, receives its own ticket identification number.
The Responsible field for any ticket classification (Incident, Request, Major Incident, etc.) communicates who is responsible for the ticket. The field also communicates which Group is responsible for the ticket.
There are five ticket classification forms that technicians will use in the U of M Tickets application. Each form has fields tailored to the specific type of ticket it addresses.
All technicians in TDX have access to the People App, which you can use to find customers and their ticket history or to find groups to view technician members.
A warm transfer occurs when one technician passes a call to another technician.
The instructions below are written for ticket transfers between Tier 1 and Tier 2 in User Support Services.
As you work within TeamDynamix, you will see the language Parent and Child. This article explains what that terminology means and how it works for our processes and procedures.
Sometimes a user's name will not easily be found in the Requestor field. Use this article if you cannot find the name or internet ID of the person requesting help.
Content that should only be viewed by the University community should not be published to a publicly available website such as the Technology Help website (
Cancelling a section in Training Hub removes all enrollment options for the section. It also removes the section from the Training Hub Catalog (if it was enabled).
Training Administrators, Proxy Enrollers, and Instructors are all administrative users within Training Hub. Each role has different administrative privileges.
Courses with online content that are delivered via the Training Hub should store that content in Canvas. These instructions will help you set up a Canvas course site for use with the Training Hub.
Creating a course in Training Hub is a simple process of first entering the course and then adding the sections to the course. In this article we will cover the first part of that process.
If you do not have a University of Minnesota Internet ID to use for enrollment in Training Hub courses, you can create a guest account using your personal email address.
We encourage training providers to adopt a standard convention for their course numbers. It will streamline creating courses and you will be able to quickly identify the courses you administer.
Each section of a course has default notifications. These are included whenever a new section is created. The default notifications are added using the system-wide templates.
The course catalog in Training Hub lists all courses that are active and have been published to the catalog. Each course will have at least one section.
Training Admins and Proxy Enrollers can enroll learners into a section in any course that they administer.
There are three main steps in the Enroll Learners process:
Training Admins and Proxy Enrollers can enroll multiple employees at once into any section they administer. Training Hub allows you to search for and select learners from:
Training Hub does not have a means of creating evaluations or assessments. You would need to create them outside of Training Hub. There are many options that you can use:
If you were enrolled in a course, and withdrew, the course will be listed on your Past Training tab. If the course is still active, there will be a Re-Enroll button.
A section can be removed from a course only if there are no enrolled, in progress, or completed learners in the section. The action will remove all information about the section. It cannot be undone.
Retiring a section in Training Hub removes all enrollment options for the section. Enrolled learners can still access the section information via their transcript. A retired section cannot be made Active.
If you have configured a Training Hub course section to have a Canvas delivery method and it is set to Canvas Reports Completion, you will need to configure the Canvas course so that the completions are reported back
Training Hub course section completions can be transferred from one Internet account to another. A request must be made to the Training Hub Site Administrators via [email protected]
Use Case:
In Training Hub, courses and sections each have lifecycles. At the top of the Edit Course page and the Edit Section page, a status box displays key information.
In the Training Hub, Sections contain the information about a specific training event. Sections enable you to offer the same course multiple times. For each occurrence of the course, you create a section.
Training Administrators and Proxy Enrollers can bulk withdraw learners from a course section that they have rights to. Only learners that have an Enrolled status can be withdrawn.
In WorkflowGen, "participants" can be defined as any people who interact with your process. In general there are three participant roles for a process:
The University of Minnesota's informal mass email community of practice shares best practices on email tools, training, and processes in order to help mass email professionals efficiently engage with their c
A/B testing is a method of market testing in which you send two versions (Condition A and Condition B) of your communication to two test audiences from your subscriber list.
A guide from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) concerning the CAN-SPAM Act, which sets the rules for commercial email, establishes requirements for commercial messages, gives recipients the right to have you stop ema
This vendor-supplied help article details the steps required to create a new data extension for storing subscriber data within Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
This vendor-supplied help article explains how to create templates using the either the Template Editor or the Content Builder in Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
This vendor-supplied help article details the steps required to import new subscriber data into an existing data extension within Salesforce Marketing Cloud.
The IT Service Management Team is a group of business analysts and developers within the Office of Information Technology, and is part of the OIT Application Development group.
The Request Catalog is intended to provide a customer facing view of some of the University's most requested services (such as access to a system, ordering a computer device or help with reporting in
A full account of all the legal requirements and policy guidelines for mass email sent from users of Salesforce Marketing Cloud at the University of Minnesota. The document is owned by University Relations.
The data extension details section is where you can view statistics about the data extension and change properties of the data extension.To access data extension properties, follow these steps:
This site, maintained by University Relations (URelations), provides downloadable files containing offical University of Minnesota logos, wordmarks ("Driven to Discover"), seals, and other official branding elements s
Maintained by University Relations (URelations), this site contains guidelines for using the official UMN Branded Template in Salesforce Marketing Cloud, as well as the raw HTML code for use in any HTML email authorin
University Relation's web page on University of Minnesota web standards, and usability and accessibility related to the Univesity of Minnesota web templates.
This site, maintained by University Relations (URelations), provides downloadable images for social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+; as well as common icons for RSS feeds and
Note: These guides are from an older version of the software. You may notice a few minor differences, but generally they still are accurate for the version we are using.
The Document Management team can provide reports to you, using the Business Insights tool, about Perceptive Content security, documents, users, and queues.
Web: Perceptive Experience, the web based instance of Perceptive Content, allows you to take advantage of most of the functionality of the desktop client via a web browser, so wherever you are, o
A 1min 33s video covering the topic of what happens when a student clicks on the chat button and fills out the form (only name and email are required), how the agent is notified o
A Salesforce article outlining how to update settings for the Stay-in-Touch functionality that allows you to request updated contact information from customers and users.
A 1min 34s video covering the topics of how a student can save the transcript of the chat to their computer and how either the student or Agent can end the chat.
A 1min 17s video covering the topics of how to select the Live Agent App, change your status to Online, and how the webpage looks when Agent is Online and when Agent is Offline. The video also note
A Salesforce article with instructions on how to send a Stay-in-Touch contact information update request to a Salesforce Contact from the Contact record.
A Salesforce article with instructions on how to send a mass Stay-in-Touch request to multiple Contacts at one time to request updated contact information.
This document provides conceptual and procedural information about the reporting functionality available in the Salesforce Marketing Cloud. Reports provide you aggregated information about your subscribers, sends
A Salesforce article that tells you how to follow records so you can see updates in your Chatter feed, including field changes, posts, tasks, and comments on record
A 2min 31s video showing how to use Salesforce Chatter to create posts, polls, and bookmarks to collaborate effectively with your coworkers in Chatter.
How-to article from Salesforce describing how to reply to Chatter Email Notifications and outlines for what to put in certain types of responses you may want to use to complete actions within Salesforce with your emai
An article from Salesforce about Report Fields. The Fields pane displays fields from the selected report type, organized by folder. It also lists custom summary formulas, which
The University of Minnesota Marketing Cloud Users Google Group is a systemwide resource for anyone using Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SMC) at the University of Minnesota.
The University of Minnesota Marketing Cloud Users Google Group is a systemwide resource for anyone using Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SMC) at the University of Minnesota.
This screen-capture video walkthrough by Honey VanDerVenter will illustrate how to send a mass email message from Salesforce Marketing Cloud when you need to import subscriber data from a spreadsheet document (E
This screen-capture video walkthrough by Honey VanDerVenter will illustrate how to send a mass email message from Salesforce Marketing Cloud when you need to import subscriber data from a spreadsheet document (E
This screen-capture video walkthrough by Honey VanDerVenter will illustrate how to send a mass email message from Salesforce Marketing Cloud when utilizing Donor Management System (DMS) data extensions from the Univer
This screen-capture video walkthrough by Honey VanDerVenter will illustrate how to send a mass email message from Salesforce Marketing Cloud when utilizing Donor Management System (DMS) data extensions from the Univer
This screen-capture video walkthrough by Honey VanDerVenter will illustrate how to send a mass email message from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to a UMN internal LISTSERV mailing list.
This screen-capture video walkthrough by Honey VanDerVenter will illustrate how to send a mass email message from Salesforce Marketing Cloud to a UMN internal LISTSERV mailing list.
Send Preview is a rendering of an email as it will be sent to a recipient. After the initial preview, you can proceed through the rest of the recipients on the list to see the preview for each.
This vendor-supplied help article details the various tabs and functionality of the Tracking Workspace.The tracking workspace contains the follow tabs:
The University of Minnesota's official privacy statement. This page is a required link in the footer of any mass email that is sent from the University to an external audience.
The validate functionality checks your email message for common issues that could prevent your email from being sent. Run validate on your email and make corrections before starting any sending process.
Oracle's PeopleSoft applications are the basis for a great number of the University's mission critical functions. Modules used at the University include:
Oracle's PeopleSoft applications are the basis for a great number of the University's mission critical functions. Modules used at the University include:
Oracle's PeopleSoft applications are the basis for a great number of the University's mission critical functions. Modules used at the University include:
This self-help guide takes you through the process of creating a form in Jadu Central, setting up the page elements (such as text fields, drop downs check boxes) and the corresponding properties, and managing th
Salesforce Marketing Cloud (SMC) is the enterprise-supported tool for sending mass email communications to both internal and external audiences at the University. This guide shows how to use the