If you enroll in a course, but there are no open seats, you will be added to the waitlist for the course. If an enrolled learner withdraws from the course, the person in position one on the waitlist will be automatically enrolled, and a confirmation email will be sent to them.
View Your Waitlist Positions
- Log in to training.umn.edu
- Select My Training
- Scroll down to the Waitlisted Courses table
- The table lists any courses where you are on the waitlist, and the position you currently are at
Withdraw from the Waitlist
- Log in to training.umn.edu
- Select My Training
- Scroll down to the Waitlisted Courses table
- The table lists any courses where you are on the waitlist and the position you currently are at
- Locate the course
- Select the Withdraw button.
- Select OK to confirm your withdrawal.
- Note: You will receive an email confirming your withdrawal from the waitlist