Technology Help and IT Service Desks

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Twin Cities

Technology Help

Technology Help is available for system-wide applications such as WiFi, email, or Canvas. We can also help with issues related to University-managed computers and mobile devices. 

Connect with a Technician

The best methods for contacting a technician are:

  • Submit a Technology Help Request Form
    • This form requires login and is available for current students, staff, and faculty.
    • If you cannot log in, use the Password options on the right or use an alternate contact method.
  • Chat online - Now via the Goldy chatbot! 
    • Use the Open Chat Icon in the lower right of this page to start a chat.
  • Visit one of our in-person locations
    • See hours and locations below.

Other available contact methods include:

Twin Cities In-Person Locations

Our in-person locations offer assistance with system-wide applications such as WiFi, email, or Canvas.

LocationFall HoursDirections Appointments
Coffman Memorial Union 101 (East Bank)Monday -Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Get Coffman Address and DirectionsMake an appointment at Coffman
Blegen Hall 90 
(West Bank)
Monday -Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Get Blegen Address and DirectionsMake an appointment at Blegen
St. Paul Student Center 4 
(St. Paul)
Monday -Friday
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Get St. Paul Student Center Address and DirectionsMake an appointment in St. Paul


Crookston Computer Help Desk

Kiehle Building
Room 131
2900 University Ave
Crookston, MN 56716

Phone: 218-281-8000

Email: [email protected]


Duluth TechCenter Help Desk

Kirby Plaza
Room 165
1208 Kirby Dr
Duluth, MN 55812

Phone: 218-726-8847

Email: [email protected]


UMN Morris Help

Rodney A. Briggs Library
Room 250
600 East 4th Street
Morris, MN 56267
The best methods for contacting a technician are:

Other contact methods include:

  • Phone: 320-589-6150




University Square
Room 394
111 S Broadway, Rochester, MN 55904

Phone: 507-258-8887

Email: [email protected]