Training Hub: Create, Edit, Remove Section Notifications

When a section is created, it will have the default set of eight notifications added. If a section is copied, the original section's notifications will be added to the newly copied section.

For any section, a notification can be added, edited, or removed.

Notifications are based on the status of the learner in a given section. Some statuses can have only one notification; for other statuses, you may be able to set more than one notification.

Notifications that can have at most one instance

There can be at most one notification for each of the following statuses: Section Cancellation, Enrollment, Waitlist Withdrawal, Waitlisted, or Withdrawal. If you attempt to enter a second notification for any of these, an error message will be displayed.

Notifications that can have multiple instances

There can be multiple notifications for the triggers Completion, Section Start Date/Time, or Due Date. For example, you might wish to have Due Date notifications for 2 weeks before the due date, 1 week before, and 2 days before. Or perhaps you'd like learners to receive a notification immediately upon completing a training, and also 6 months after the date of their completion.

This article covers:

Add a new notification to a section

  1. Click Courses from the Admin Console. The course list is displayed.
  2. Locate the course. Use the Search box in the upper right to filter the list of courses.
  3. Click the Edit button. The Edit Course form is displayed.
  4. Scroll down to the sections table.
  5. Click the Edit button for the section that you want to close.
  6. Scroll down to the notifications table.
  7. Click Add Notification. The New Notification form is displayed.
  8. Complete the form (see below)
  9. Click Create Notification. The Edit Section is displayed.
  10. Click Update Course Section.

About the notification form

All notifications use the same form, which includes the following options:

  • Notification Name
    • The notification name is used only in the notification table on the Edit Section form.
  • Training event email trigger
    • Select from the options: Section Cancellation, Completion, Due Date, Enrollment, Section Start Date/Time, Waitlist Withdrawal, Waitlisted, Withdrawal
    • If you wish to select time-based triggers, read Period Settings below.
  • Send a copy to the learner's supervisor(s)
    • This is not enabled for any notification by default.
      • Enabling this option will send the notification to the learner's supervisor at the same time that it is sent to the learner.
        • If the employee has multiple supervisors, the notification will be sent to all of them.
  • Email Subject
    • Enter the subject line of the email message. Variables cannot be used in the subject.
    • The Course Title and Section Number will be appended to the Subject. The Section Number will be in parentheses.
  • Email Body
    • The email message has three sections. Only the middle section can be edited.

Period settings for Completion, Due Date, and Section Start Date Reminders

Completion, Due Date, and Section Start Date notifications can be sent relative to the event. Multiple instances of each of these notifications, with different periods, can be created.
There are three period settings:

  1. The first menu contains the numbers 1-30
  2. The second menu contains the units of time: Days, Weeks, Months
  3. The third menu contains: Before, After

Notification emails created in this way are sent at 6:00 am.

Examples of Notification Triggers

Example: If the trigger is set to 1 Day Before Due Date, the email is sent at 6:00 am the day before the Due Date.

Example: If the trigger is set to 1 Day After Completion, the email is sent at 6:00 am the day after the Completion.

Some Use cases for Multiple Notifications

  • A section could have a notification sent at moment of completion, and then another notification six months after completion letting the learner know that they need to re-take the training.
  • A section could have a series of notifications letting learners know that the Due Date for a particular training is approaching.

Completion Notification Options

All sections have a default Completion notification set to send when the learner is marked complete for the section.
Additional Completion notifications can only be sent after (not at) completion.

  • To send At Completion, leave the period settings blank.
    Note: all sections have an At Completion notification by default. Attempting to create a second At Completion notification will result in an error.
  • To send After Completion, use the period settings to specify when the notification will be sent relative to the learner completion
    Example: If a learner completes the training on Monday, and the training admin has configured a notification to be sent 2 Days AFTER completion, the learner will receive the notification on Wednesday at 6:00 a.m.

Due Date Notification Options

All sections have a default Due Date notification set to send 2 Weeks Before the learner's Due Date.
Additional Due Date notifications can be sent Before or After the learner's due date.

Section Start Date/Time Notification Options

All sections have a default notification set to send 5 calendar days before the start date of an ILT section.
Additional Section Start Date/Time notifications can be sent days, weeks, or months Before or After the start of the section.
Note: It is not possible to set a notification so that it is sent less than 1 calendar day before the start of a section.

Edit a notification for a section

  1. Select Courses from the Admin Console. The course list is displayed.
  2. Locate the course. Use the Search box in the upper right to filter the list of courses.
  3. Select the Edit button. The Edit Course form is displayed.
  4. Scroll down to the sections table.
  5. Select the Edit button for the section that you want to edit.
  6. Scroll down to the notifications table.
  7. Locate the notification you want to edit
  8. Select the Edit button. The Edit Notification form is displayed.
  9. Make changes to the Edit Notification form
  10. Select Update Notification. The Edit Section form is displayed.
  11. Select Update Section.

Remove a notification from a section

  1. Select Courses from the Admin Console. The course list is displayed.
  2. Locate the course. Use the Search box in the upper right to filter the list of courses.
  3. Select the Edit button. The Edit Course form is displayed.
  4. Scroll down to the section table.
  5. Select the Edit button for the section that you want to close.
  6. Scroll down to the notifications table.
  7. Select Remove for the notification
  8. Select OK in the confirmation window.
  9. Select Update Course Section.



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