Properly formed subjects greatly help with both searching and identifying which article to use.
Writing Article Titles
Follow these guidelines to better help users find your article:
- Lead with [software] [version(s) if applicable]: [verb]
- Use the active voice, e.g., create, assign, secure. The verb should not be in the 'ing' form.
- Example: Canvas: Publish a Course
- Example: Drupal Enterprise: Enable Folwell Theme
- If an article applies to multiple versions, include the latest 2 versions in the title.
- Use the active voice, e.g., create, assign, secure. The verb should not be in the 'ing' form.
- Write a single, concise sentence, ideally fewer than 10 words, summarizing the content.
- Use title case.
- Use primary keywords related to the content in the first several words.
- Use words users will most likely search on.
- Delete "the," "and," or "is," if possible. When appearing at the beginning of a title, these are generic and take up space.
- Do not lead with commonly used words such as "How to."