Training Hub: Course Details

In Training Hub, the course details page displays:

  • Course Title
  • Section Number
  • Course Short Description
  • A link to the Course Long Description
  • Required Components
  • Optional Components

View a Course Details Page

  1. Log in to
  2. Click My Training.
  3. Locate the course.
  4. Click the View Details button in the rightmost column. The course details page is displayed.

Delivery methods for Required or Optional components

A course in Training Hub can have three possible delivery methods:

  • Instructor Led Training
  • Canvas Course
  • Other Online Source

Every course in Training Hub will have at least one delivery method component that is required for completion. A course might also have optional components. For example, a course might have a required instructor-led session and an optional online performance support guide.

a course details page in training hub showing a required component and an optional component.

Delivery method(s) and completion requirement(s) for a course section are on the course details page.

Completing course components

The items in the required component(s) section must be completed in order to complete the course. The component will display the status, and how completion is recorded:

a component of a course showing that the course is incomplete, and that the instructor marks completion.

Completing Components

A course can have 3 or 4 completion methods, depending on the delivery method. Every delivery method has the completion methods of:

  • Instructor Marks Completion
  • Learner Marks Completion
  • Completion Not Required
    Note: this can be an additional completion method, but it can never be the only completion method.

For courses that have components delivered via Canvas, there is a fourth possibility: Canvas marks completion.

Completion Requirements

  • If a course component displays Your Instructor will mark your completion, then the instructor will update your transcript when the requirements are met.
  • A course component might display a Mark Complete button the mark complete button.. This is a Learner Marks Complete component. When you have completed the item, click the button to show you have completed it.
  • If a course component displays Note: There is no completion for this course, then it is optional, and it does not need to be marked complete to have the course completed.
  • If a course component displays Note: You must complete the component in Canvas, then you will need to complete the entire Canvas course.


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