Who can I contact with help on DMS Data Extensions?
Contact the person who submitted the request for a DMS Data Extension.
They are your first point of contact. Please provide the Data Extension name to them. It is preferable that you deal directly with the member of the UMF IS department who built your Data Extension. As a last resort, you can email the UMF IS team at [email protected].
I want to do a survey. How does that work with DMS-sourced Data Extensions? Can I send emails using Qualtrics?
You are required to use Salesforce Marketing Cloud to send all emails using data sourced from DMS.
Two methods may be used to send surveys utilizing DMS data.
These documents describe how to utilize Qualtrics for a survey and generating unique URLs for each person.
- (old method) follow the steps in the UMF IS DMS document, Sending Surveys Utilizing DMS data, version 7.
- (new and improved method) follow the steps in the UMF IS DMS document, Sending Surveys Utilizing DMS data, version 8.
The old method (option 1) is to be used ONLY if you need to pre-populate additional data points, besides DMS ID, first/last name.
Survey unsubscribes must be recorded on DMS in order to remove those people from future survey requests.
Can I send to two Data Extensions at once?
If both Data Extensions are from DMS, Yes. You can then use update.umn.edu for individuals to update their contact information, so the changes are recorded in DMS.
What other resources are available?
The Marketing Cloud (MC) User Group and Salesforce Marketing Cloud Self-Help Guide are the best places to get more information and help.
The MC User Group is a systemwide resource for all Salesforce Marketing Cloud users at the University of Minnesota. The MC User Group web site includes documentation on good practices, videos of past user group meetings, and links to other important information.
The IT@UMN Salesforce Marketing Cloud Self-Help Guide contains how-tos, good practices, documentation and support information for Salesforce Marketing Cloud at the University of Minnesota.
The University of Minnesota Foundation (UMF) - Information Systems (IS) office - Query Team is available at [email protected].