TDX Problem: Resolve a Problem Ticket

Once a solution has been implemented for a Problem, then the Problem ticket can be resolved.

Resolving a Problem Ticket

  1. Open the Problem ticket.
  2. Select Actions and choose Update in the dropdown menu.
  3. Change Problem Status to Resolved.
    • If you attempt to Resolve a ticket which still has open Ticket Tasks, you will receive a warning prompt:Close Ticket Task prompt shown with a ticket icon, and radio buttons for No and Yes. Highlighted text: This will close a ticket with open ticket tasks. Choose whether you want to close those ticket tasks or leave them open. Click the ticket icon to view a list of affected ticket tasks.
    • You can click on the ticket icon to open the Affected Ticket Tasks window and view a list of open tasks and task details if necessary.Affected Task Tickets window open, showing an open task with details. Highlighted text: In addition to the ticket tasks listed below, any dependent ticket tasks that are currently inactive will also be closed.
    • If you are unsure whether the Ticket Tasks are completed, do not proceed with resolving the ticket. Instead, reach out to the Responsible Group(s) to confirm the Ticket Tasks are complete before resolving the ticket. Review TDX: Work a Ticket Task for additional information.
    • If you know the Ticket Tasks are completed, select the Yes option to close all Ticket Tasks along with the parent ticket.
  4. Complete the Comments field with the overall resolution of the Problem.
  5. Fill in the Notify field with name of the Responsible Group and anyone else already connected to the ticket who should be notified. 
  6. Fill in the Notify Other People field with others who should be advised of the resolution.
  7. Add any additional email addresses in the Email Other People field, if applicable.
  8. Select the Create new article radio button if a new Knowledge Base article based on the information discovered in the Problem ticket should be drafted. 
  9. Fill out Problem State with applicable resolution status of either Known Error or Permanent Fix, depending on the outcome of the Problem ticket. 
  10. Write thorough resolution details in the Root Cause Analysis field including a workaround if any.
  11. Select Save (top of window).

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