Two actions commonly taken when working a problem ticket are assigning tasks and providing status updates for technicians. This article covers common actions you will take such as updating technicians of status, assigning tasks, and modifying the Problem State of a Problem.
Working the Problem Ticket to provide status updates for technicians
- Open the Problem ticket.
- Click Actions; and select Update from the dropdown menu.
- Update the New Status dropdown menu if the communication changes the status of the Problem.
- Write any updates technicians should be aware of in the Comments box.
- The box labeled Make comments private (only visible to U of M Tickets users) should be checked by default. Make sure it is checked BEFORE saving the ticket so the updated work notes do not get sent to users.
- Complete the Notify and Notify Other People fields according to who needs to be notified of the update.
- Be sure to include any other groups and/or people outside of the Responsible Group who should also be notified.
- Select Save (top of window). The Problem ticket feed will be updated with the status update and Comments you wrote.
Assigning Tasks for Problem Activities
At times, certain activities that relate to investigation or resolution of a Problem require actions from other teams or individuals. In these cases, a task should be assigned for the work.
- Open the Problem ticket.
- Click + Add then choose Task.
- Enter an appropriate Title and Description of the work to be performed.
- Set the Responsible field to the team that will be performing the work on the task.
Identifying the Problem State
Problems should be set to a different Problem State as information or workarounds are identified. Based on the actions being taken, the problem state should be adjusted to accurately reflect the current state
- Root Cause Analysis - Research is underway to identify root cause, as well as the most appropriate solution to address the root cause.
- Pending Solution - The root cause and solution have been identified. The Problem is currently awaiting the implementation of a solution (such as a Change ticket).
- Known Error - Root cause is identified and a workaround documented, but the solution is not currently available or feasible.
- Permanent Fix - The solution has been implemented. This status should be set at the time of Problem resolution.