Jadu: Existing Jadu Central User: I need to add Jadu Connect

Step 1: Gain Familiarity with Jadu Central and Build a Form

In order to begin working with Jadu Connect workflows, you must be familiar with some basic Jadu Central functionality. This includes:

  • Creating a form
  • Understanding how Logics work
  • Ensuring your form works by completing thorough testing

Step 2: Attend a Jadu Connect Training

Training is mandatory prior to gaining access to Jadu Connect. This Jadu Connect training teaches attendees how to:

  • Setup workflow
  • Create alerts
  • Connect your Jadu Central form to your Jadu Connect workflow

To register for training, go to: Jadu Connect Training.

Step 3: Request Access to Jadu Connect

To request access to Jadu Connect, submit an Access Request Form (ARF) for Jadu Forms in TDX.

  1. In TDX, go to Client Portal. 
  2. Select Find Access & Service Request Forms. The Service Catalog opens. 
  3. Select Services A-Z from the top menu bar.
    TDX service catalog. Services A to Z highlighted in the menu bar.
  4. Pick J.
  5. Select Jadu Forms and Workflow ARF.
    Jadu forms and Workflow ARF link in TDX 
  6. Select Request Service on the right. The ARF for Jadu Forms and Workflow opens.
  7. Complete the ARF fields. When you reach the section What access is needed?, select Jadu Connect (workflow). Jadu Connect (workflow) options appear.
    1. Enter your Jadu Category.
      • Note: If you don't know your category, please contact the person in your unit/group who approves these requests and they can provide it to you.
    2. Select the Jadu Connect Role needed.
      Jadu Connect roles choices. Case builder: create, edit and delete statuses, transitions, rules, emails and forms in a Category. Case Supervisor: Edit and update case status for case submissions within an assigned Category. Case viewer: view case submissions within an assigned category.
    3. Refer to the following Jadu Connect role matrix:
      Jadu Jadu Connect role matrix
        Case Builder Case Supervisor Case Viewer
      Edit case types for my service X    
      View submissions within my category X X X
      Edit submissions within my category X X  
      Change status of a case within my category X* X*  
      Create shared filters for my group X X  
      Create personal filters  X X X
      Add global fields to my case list X X X
      Jadu Connect training required? X    
      *If capability is added to the process by Case Builder
  8. Click Request when you have completed the form.

Additional Resources

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