TDX Knowledge: Draft and Format Content in a Google Doc

You can use Google Docs to draft knowledge. Drafting in Google Docs allows you to use the collaboration features to get feedback from your colleagues. 

Google Docs has the editing tools you will need to format your article. Google does add extra HTML formatting which you will need to clean before you enter the content in TDX. Remove Extra HTML Formatting from an Article.

This article covers:

Using Google Docs Formatting Features

You can use some of the Google Docs formatting features such as headings to identify the topic(s) and sub-topic(s), and lists to identify step-by-step instructions.

  • If you are new to Google Docs, you can learn more at the G Suite Learning Center Get Started with Docs.

Using Headings

It's important to structure your articles for accessibility. See Use Headings for Proper Article Structure.

  • Apply heading styles from the Google Docs styles menu.
     Google docs styles menu
  • Only use Headings 2-6. 
    • Keyboard shortcuts for heading styles
      • Mac: command + option + heading number
      • Windows: Ctrl + Alt + heading number
  • Unless an article is short if you have 2 or more Headings, insert a table of contents. (When you enter the article into TDX, you will need to update the links.)
  • Headings for public-facing articles should use title case.

Using Lists

  • Use numbered lists when formatting step-by-step instructions, or whenever the order of the items listed is important.
  • Use bulleted lists when the order doesn't matter.
  • Note: If you create nested lists, when you move the article into TDX, you may have to adjust the list formatting. See Format Nested Numbered Lists.

Using Bold for Application References 

  • Use bold for application interface terms. Bold allows users to more quickly follow instructions.
    • Be sure to refer to application interface terms just as they appear in the interface. 
    • Example: Select Find and Replace.

Using Images

It can be useful to draft your document without images to be sure the content is clear and stands on its own. If it helps you, enter a placeholder to indicate where you plan to include an image.

  • When you insert images into your Google doc, you can add a comment to identify the image name and the Alt text.
  • You will need to upload your images in the TDX Knowledge Base article. 

Additional Resources

You can also Create a New Knowledge Base Article in TDX and draft your content there.

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