Training Hub: Prepare SCORM for use with Canvas

This article contains information about:

What is SCORM?

SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model), is a set of technical standards for publishing online training produced by the US government that has been in use since the 1980s. Rustici Software, a company that supports businesses in using SCORM, has a short overview at SCORM Explained 101: An introduction to SCORM.

Packaging a SCORM module

There are many tools that can be used to create compliant SCORM modules to be used in Canvas.

  • SCORM should be packaged as HTML-5.
    • Flash reached end of life in 2020, so SCORM packaged as SWF, Shockwave or Flash will not work with Canvas.
  • Canvas supports SCORM 1.2 and SCORM 2004 (2nd, 3rd, and 4th Editions)

Resources for specific authoring platforms:

If your SCORM will have grading, you have two main choices regarding tracking SCORM activity in Canvas:

  • No tracking of SCORM activity:
    • Learners will be able to view the SCORM content and choose whether to progress through it or not before moving on to the next Canvas course content or the final completion step in Canvas.
  • Tracking SCORM activity:
    • Learners will be required to view a specific number of slides or score a specific number on questions in the SCORM activity before they can move on to the next Canvas course content or the final completion step in Canvas.
    • If you need to track SCORM activity, you will need to verify your SCORM package can report back to Canvas

Verifying a SCORM activity can report back to Canvas

Test SCORM Packages with SCORM Cloud

Adding SCORM content to a Canvas course site

  1. Add the SCORM navigation module to the Canvas course site
    • SCORM is not enabled by default in Canvas. You'll need to add it to the navigation so that you can upload your SCORM content. Once you've done that, you can disable it from the navigation. See How do I manage Course Navigation links?
  2. Upload your SCORM package into Canvas as a Graded Assignment.
  3. Add a Module to your Canvas course.
  4. Add the SCORM assignment to the Module.
  5. Set requirements on the Canvas Module that contains the SCORM content

Configuring the Canvas - Training Hub completion tool

The Training Hub completion tool is only available to Canvas sites that were created by Training Hub.

  1. Add a new module to the Canvas course site.
  2. Add the Training Hub completion External Tool to the module
    1. Click the [+] symbol on the module. The Add Item to Complete window appears.
    2. Choose External Tool at the top of the dialog
    3. Select Complete Course
    4. Click Add Item
  3. Set the Prerequisite for the module
    • The module that contains the Canvas-Training Hub completion should have a prerequisite of meeting the requirements of the module that contains the SCORM content.



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