TDX Approvers: Find and Approve Your Requests (Groups and Supervisor Approvals)

Approvers will receive a TeamDynamix email with a link to the approval needed. This article is for those people who have the general technician role within TeamDynamix group and supervisor approvals. See Find and Approve Your Requests (Individual Approvers and Key Contacts) for those who approve requests without having a technician role in TeamDynamix.

In this article:

Logging into TDNext

  1. Navigate to TeamDynamix.
  2. Select Users.
    TeamDynamix sign-in page with Users icon highlighted
  3. Log in using your U of M credentials. 
    • A Welcome to TeamDynamix pop-up display will open and alert you to any notifications you have.
  4. Close the notification box. 
    welcome to TeamDyanmix popup window with an arrow pointing to the X to close the popup window

Finding Your Request Tickets 

Finding Non-PAR ARF Forms

If you approve work in the U of M Application (non-PAR provisioned access), follow these instructions for finding your forms:

  1. Click the Applications menu Application menu in the corner of the screen to open up some apps to find your work in:
    TDNext application menu open with U of M Tickets icon highlighted
  2. Select U of M Tickets. The center of the screen will open into the ticketing application and the application tab will appear near the application menu so that you can toggle between applications quickly.
    A picture of the TDX Users Desktop. The U of M Tickets tab is highlighted.
  3. Click Awaiting My Approvals on the left navigation pane.
    Awaiting My Approvals on the left navigation pane of the U of M Tickets app

Finding PAR ARF Forms

If you approve work in the ARF Ticketing application, follow these instructions to find your forms: 

  1. Click the Application menu Application menu A menu of applications will open below it.
    TDNext application menu open with ARF Tickets application highlighted
  2. Select ARF Tickets to access the ARF ticketing application. The ARF Ticketing application desktop will be displayed.
  3. On the left navigation menu, click on Awaiting My Approval.
    Awaiting My Approval option in navigation menu of the ARF ticketing App highlighted

Viewing Your Request Tickets

  1. Review the list of all Request tickets pending your approval in the main page area.
    Awaiting My Approvals list of tickets in the main page area of ARF ticketing app
  2. Click on the ID Number or Title to open the ticket you want to work on. A new window will open displaying the Details (static view) of the request ticket.
  3. Scan the right side of the ticket to locate the Current Activities box to find where you can approve or reject the request.
    Details (static view) of request ticket with arrow pointing to Current Activities box with 1 Supervisor Approval waiting to be completed

Important Notes: 

  • You may need to wait for 30 minutes for an approval step to reach you once a user submits a form. DO NOT move forward with the ticket until the approval step shows up in the Current Activities area of the ticket.
  • DO NOT manually set the status of the request ticket to Resolved. The ticket workflow process will automatically do that once you have approved the request. 
  • This screenshot shows what a Supervisor Approval looks like. Your Approver Type will appear similarly in the Current Activities area of the ticket.

If you need to add any other notes regarding the request, see Communicate Through the Request Ticket.

Approving/Rejecting a Request

  1. Navigate to the Current Activities area of the request ticket.
  2. Click on Approve or Reject in the approval step underneath your name.
    Current Activities box with Approve and Reject icons highlighted
    • Selecting either Approve or Reject will make a pop-up window with a text box for comments appear.
  3. Enter any necessary comments or reasons for the rejection or for the approval of the request.
  4. Click Save

DO NOT manually set the status of the request ticket to Resolved. The ticket workflow process will automatically do that once you have approved the request.

Scroll down to the ticket Feed to see the confirmation message in the ticket feed showing that you either approved or rejected the request. 
Ticket Feed showing an approval message

Reporting Issues with a Request Form

If you see something in the ticket that needs to be changed before you can fully approve the request, DO NOT edit a ticket. Follow the instructions in Handle a Partial Request Situation.

If you encounter something that needs to be changed within the actual form itself, you can submit a request for your form to be updated via a TDX Modification Request Form.

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