TDX Knowledge: Edit the Settings of an Article

Technicians can edit an article owned by them or by their Group until it has been submitted for approval. Once submitted only those people with an editor role will be able to edit your article.

  • Group Knowledge Editors can edit any articles owned by their Group.
  • Global Knowledge Editors can edit any article regardless of ownership.

If an article is rejected, TDX automatically restores edit rights to the Owner (person or Group).

This article covers making changes to an article's Settings. 

Editing an Article's Settings

  1. Search the Knowledge Base for the article you want to edit. 
  2. Click the link to the article you want to edit.
  3. Click Edit Article in the sidebar. The page refreshes to the Content tab in edit mode. 
  4. Click the Settings tab in the menu bar.
    Settings tab in Edit mode. Additional menu tabs include Content, Permissions, Related Articles, Related Searches, Files, Revisions, Read by, and Shortcuts.
  5. Make necessary changes to any of the fields.
    1. Revise the Subject as needed.
    2. Change the Category.
    3. Update the Order. The default order is 1. We recommend leaving the default order so that articles are ordered alphabetically.
    4. Edit the Article Summary.
    5. Add Tags. Use to help group similar articles.
    6. Set the article Status.
    7. Indicate if the article should be Published to KB.
    8. Set the Next Review Date.
      • Set the date to the next time the article needs to be reviewed. Typically articles should be reviewed once a year. 
    9. Change the Ownership to the appropriate Group.
    10. Check the Notify Owner on Feedback checkbox.
    11. Enter any Knowledge Internal Notes
    12. Indicate Should the viewing of this content be limited to the University Community?
  6. Click Save. A "Changes saved" message appears in red above the Category field.
    Settings tab highlighted displaying "changes saved" notification
  7. View the edited article to check your changes.
    1. Go to the breadcrumbs (under the menu bar).
    2. Click the article's breadcrumb. The page refreshes to display the article.
      Example of breadcrumbs for an article, with the final link to the view mode of the article highlighted. The text of the link is the Subject (title) of the article.

Additional Resources

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