Jadu Forms: Submit a Subcategory or Storage Request

As you work with Jadu Forms there may be times that you need to make a request of the Jadu Forms development and support team.

For more information or to submit a request for one of the items below, please open a TDX ticket and we will be happy to work with you on the setup.

If the selections on this page don't address your need, please contact the Technology Help Service Desk or call 612-301-4357.

Set up Perceptive Content for Jadu Forms Storage

Jadu Forms is integrated with Perceptive Content. Consider using it for long term Jadu forms storage. 

New Sub-Category

A sub-category is used when a department, working group or unit needs to create and maintain forms for another group - a parent/child relationship.


If the Research category is assigned to a form, only form builders with access to that category can access the form. If form builders in the Research category would like to create and maintain forms for another group such as the Biology department, a Biology sub-category could be created for them. The Research form builders would then have access to both the Research and Biology categories, but those with the Biology category would not have access to the Research forms.

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