TDX Reports: Create a Report Folder

You can organize reports into folders in the U of M Tickets app for quick access to your commonly used reports. This article is part of the Create and Manage Reports self-help guide.

Reports and report folders appear in the left-hand Navigator menu with the Tickets and Standard Reports folders at the top. The folders are then organized by favorites, Order (a setting that can be changed when editing a folder), and finally alphabetically by name.

The left-hand menu in TDNext called the TDX Navigator is highlighted

Creating Report Folders

  1. Navigate to the U of M Tickets tab at the top of the page.
    TDX menu bar with tabs Apps, Desktop and U of M Tickets. U of M tickets highlighted.
  2. Click on +Report and select Report Folder from the drop-down menu. The New Report Folder window opens.
  3. Enter a Name for your report folder. Keep in mind best practices for naming conventions.
  4. (Optional): Enter a Description of your report folder.
  5. Set the visibility of your report folder.
    • Just Me (default) means only you will see your report folder.
    • (Optional): Me and people in these Groups to allow specific responsible groups to view the folder.
  6. Click Save.

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