TDX Major Incident: Work a Major Incident Ticket

The focus of working through a Major Incident is to find a permanent fix for what is broken or a viable workaround that will allow affected users to continue working. The Major Incident ticket is used to keep other technicians and users up to date on the progress of the issue. 

Working a Major Incident Ticket

Associating existing Incident Tickets as Child Tickets to/from the Major Incident

While a Major Incident is taking place, additional incident tickets can be associated as child tickets to the Major Incident ticket either from an Incident ticket as it is created or from the Major Incident Ticket. 

Updating Technicians During the Major Incident

  1. Open the Major Incident ticket.
  2. Click Actions; select Update from the drop-down menu.
  3. Update the New Status drop-down menu if applicable. 
  4. Write any updated information that technicians should be aware of in the Comments box.
    • The box labeled Make comments private (only visible to U of M Tickets users) should be checked by default. Make sure it is checked BEFORE saving the ticket so the updated work notes do not get sent to users.
  5. Complete the Notify and Notify Other People fields according to who needs to be notified of the update.
    • Be sure to include any other groups and/or people outside of the Responsible Group who should also be notified.
  6. Select Save at the top of the window. The Major Incident ticket feed will be updated with the status update and Comments you wrote.

Updating users during a Major Incident

At the discretion of the Responsible Group Manager or Service Owner, send timely and customer-centric updates to all Requestors with tickets associated with the Major Incident. 

Follow the steps in Communicating with Parent/Child Tickets (Cascade Communications).

Additional Resources

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