Looking to create a website? We have a few different tools for you to build a website - anything from a basic blog for a class assignment to a sophisticated department portal.
Downloading or sharing software, entertainment, or images may violate United States copyright law. Many torrent applications default to continue sharing your downloads with other users.
As a site administrator or developer for a Drupal Enterprise website, you can add a link to your site's footer for users to report a website accessibility concern.
Folwell is an evolving design system made up of modular components that can be combined in numerous ways to make creative and consistent University websites.
University of Minnesota site owners who want to move their sites to the University of Minnesota Drupal service need to complete some tasks before the move can occur.
The final step in planning to move a website to the University's Drupal service is to schedule the content migration. Steps for scheduling a move from external content management systems to Drupal are below.
The following instructions are for websites using the default UMN Drupal Enterprise configuration .Your role in Drupal may not have the proper permissions to complete the task.
The instructions in this article pertain to Drupal Enterprise. Your role in Drupal may not have the proper permissions to complete the task. Contact your site administrator for additional information.
If you are a developer with junior level (or above) javascript experience, you can use automated functional testing to simulate user interaction with your test site.
This article applies to Drupal Lite.
A small Google Map can be added to a page using a Custom Block.
You must have the Contributor role to add custom blocks to a page.
This article applies to Drupal Lite.
Vocabularies include terms. Terms add organizational data to pages and uploaded files, often referred to as metadata.
This article applies to Drupal Lite.
A YouTube video can be added to a page using a custom block. The embedded video will be the width of the region it is in and the height will scale appropriately.
This article applies to Drupal Lite.
There are three content types in Drupal Lite: Biography, General, and News/Blog. Each has a set of default fields and layout.
Many sites on the internet publish their content as news feeds. In your Drupal Lite site, you can define a source for a feed and add it as custom content to a page.
A Google Doc can be embedded in a page. The Doc needs to be published to the web so that visitors can view the presentation on the page. Sharing does not need to be enabled.
A Google Sheet can be embedded in a page. The Sheet needs to be published to the web so that visitors can view the presentation on the page. Sharing does not need to be enabled.
To log in to your Drupal Lite site, use either:
(where "yoursitename" is the name of your site)
Anyone that has the role Content Type Manager can edit the content types for a site. To remove a field from a content type, it must be removed from the layout editor for the content type first.
Each content type has a default layout for presenting the fields. Using Layout Builder allows for the customization of any page. Layout Builder can be used to:
The following instructions are for websites using the default UMN Drupal Enterprise or Drupal Lite configuration. The ability to add users to your site is based on your role.
Curious where your site's traffic is coming from or how people navigate around your site? You can add Google Analytics to your site to help monitor its traffic.
When you are ready to move a site in the University's Drupal Enterprise environment from development (DEV) to production (PRD), we recommend you use different branches for different environments.
This article will help you determine which version of Drupal your site is in. As of June 2019, there are four possibilities at the University of Minnesota:
The Media Browser allows you to reuse existing media on your website, upload new media, or embed media from an external website. The Media Browser appears wherever you can add media to a page.
This article applies to Drupal Enterprise and Drupal Lite. This action is only available to people with certain roles on the site. If you do not see the Content Type menu item, contact the Site Owner.
All media uploaded via the Drupal interface is stored in your site's files. Because of this, you can easily reuse images and other media on many pages.
There are several ways to add images to a page. These instructions are for contributors who need to add an image within a field that has the HTML editor toolbar.
The UMN Search Settings module comes with default configurations on all Drupal Lite sites. There are also some configuration options available to customize the search experience on your site.
Curious where your site's traffic is coming from or how people navigate around your site? You can add Google Analytics to your site to help monitor its traffic.
Use Pope Tech on your OIT-hosted Drupal website to find empty spaces labeled with heading tags. Some users, especially keyboard and screen reader users, often navigate by heading elements.
Use Pope Tech on your OIT-hosted Drupal website to find links that don't have any text. If a link contains no text, the function or purpose of the link will not be presented to the user.
In order to keep website content accessible for the requirements made by the Department of Justice clarifications on Title II of the ADA, content manage
You can use Pope Tech to perform an automated accessibility check on published Google Sites pages that require UMN Shibboleth authentication in order to view them.
After running a scan and filtering the results by Template Region or Content Region, if the results of the scan are not adding up as expected then you can
Since the Technology Help website (it.umn.edu) is hosted in Drupal, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of how URLs work in Drupal so you know what to expect.
The Folwell Web Theme User Group is where you'll find news and updates about the Folwell theme for Drupal 8, Drupal Lite 8, and the Pattern Library. This is an open and unmoderated list.
Prototyping is a quick way to incorporate direct feedback from real users into a design. Paper-based prototyping bypasses the time and effort required to create a working, coded user interface.
This article from the Buffer.com social media blog reviews the results of the content audit that they conducted on their site. The article provides a number of tips and takeaways on how to conduct a content audit.
A detailed article from Smashing Magazine on a five-step user research process, including defining objectives, defining a hypotheses, identifying methods, actually conducting the research, and synthesizing the results
This article looks at the relationship between content strategy and other tasks like Information Architecture (IA) and some essential tools and processes.
Card sorting helps you to understand how your users think you should organize your content. From this information you can create a site structure that enables your users to find what they are looking for.
A detailed article from UX Booth identifying a five-step process for design research, including planning, observing, designing, prototyping, and testing.
This article from MeetContent.com, they have compiled some of the content types commonly encountered in higher ed and some special considerations for managing them effectively.
The Computer Accommodations Program (CAP) works to ensure equitable access for all individuals to Web content, Web applications, digital materials, environments and services associated with administration, courses, pr
This in-depth article from Buzzergy discusses the pros and cons of using curated content in a content management project, and also describes a three-step process for content curation.
In this video Karen McGrane will discuss why you need to deliver content wherever your customer wants to consume it — and what the risks are when you don’t make content accessible to mobile users.
Libraries staff experts consult throughout the University and provide training on topics related to copyright and intellectual property in research, teaching, publishing, and other creative contexts.
Libraries staff experts consult throughout the University and provide training on topics related to copyright and intellectual property in research, teaching, publishing, and other creative contexts.
UMN Drupal Training Opportunities
Drupal Working Labs
We offer working sessions that allow participants to bring their own Drupal Enterprise 7, Drupal Enterprise 9, and Drupal Lite projects in
The Paragraphs module is a fairly new addition to the Drupal project, but when it comes to content creation, it offers a rapid and straightforward path towards improving the quality of yo
Focus groups help you generate ideas by listening to your current and prospective users discuss their experiences and expectations with one another. Focus groups can provide:
Focus groups provide rich and detailed information about feelings, thoughts and underlying emotional motivation from people in their own words. In short, focus groups focus on attitude and affect.
In your github fork, you need to keep your master branch clean, by clean I mean without any changes, like that you can create at any time a branch from your master.
By performing the following steps you will ensure that all future files to be transferred to your web-docs will automatically have the permissions you specify.By performing the following steps you will ensure that all
This site, maintained by University Relations (URelations), provides downloadable files containing offical University of Minnesota logos, wordmarks ("Driven to Discover"), seals, and other official branding elements s
University Relation's web page on University of Minnesota web standards, and usability and accessibility related to the Univesity of Minnesota web templates.
This site, maintained by University Relations (URelations), provides downloadable images for social networking services such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+; as well as common icons for RSS feeds and
Learn about United States laws that require that State and local governments (including the University) give people with disabilities an equal opportunity to benefit from all of their programs, services, an
Personas are fictional characters based on actual observed behaviors of real users that a UX professional experiences in the field, talking one-on-one with users.
This extensive website from the Federal Government covers everything from federal guidelines to tips and tools for writing in plain, clear, English for a better understanding of text for a general audience.
Employees involved in departmental purchasing, including purchasing technology products, are expected to fully read and adhere to all departmental, sponsored, and University policies.
University of Minnesota departments and colleges may use the University's Drupal Lite content management platform to publish and maintain web content related to conducting official University business.
A comprehensive Federally-run website about Section 508 - the Federal law that requires Federal agencies to make sure their electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities.
A Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate is a digital certificate that provides authentication for a website and enables an encrypted connection. When a website holds an SSL certificate:
This comprehensive checklist is organized to support your upcoming semester preparation. Work through these topics to confirm your Canvas course site is ready and shared with students.
Task-based Usability Evaluations are useful when your design is getting close to being fully functional but you still have some ability to change the interface or content.
There is a price to asking the wrong questions. When conducting user research, the most valuable moments are limited times that the team spends with each participant. It's important to make every second count.
Developers create the systems for publishing web pages. These systems could be a server and file structure or a content management system. They may also set up the basic template to be used with each page.
Headings communicate the organization of page content to everyone. Appropriate headings improve accessibility because web browsers, plug-ins, and assistive technologies can use them to provide in-page navigation.
"User research focuses on understanding user behaviors, needs, and motivations through observation techniques, task analysis, and other feedback methodologies." This article from usability.gov reviews the variou
Developed by WebAIM.org, this tool provides visual feedback about the accessibility of your web content by injecting icons and indicators into your page.
This Wikipedia article goes over the basics of Web Syndication, making web feeds available from a site in order to provide other people with a summary or update of the website's recently a
The Center for Plain Language is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization. We offer a plain language checklist, before and after examples, and links to additional resources.
Content is one of the main components of a great user experience. This self-help guide walks you through the process of planning the right content to meet your website's goals.
This self-help guide is for building a site in Drupal Lite, including requesting and configuring your site, adding content to your site, and managing your site.