Drupal 9 Modules
Modules are certain add-ons that you can use within your website to extend the functionality of Drupal. Lightning is the base distribution for Drupal 9 (instead of Panopoly in Drupal 7; see Drupal 7 modules for more information). Many of the form field modules from Drupal 7 are now a part of Drupal 9 Core as a part of the Lightning distribution. Please note, additionally, that this list does not include any modules that are a part of Drupal 9 core.
Drupal 7 Modules now a part of Drupal 9 Core
Allows a subtheme to declare mobile responsiveness breakpoints in a themename.breakpoints.yml file which can be used in the theme or other modules (for example, the responsive images module) to alter Drupal’s output at different widths.
Allows site owner to change the color of specific elements via the UI; allows themers to create new elements that are colorable via the color module
Provides a very simple caption input filter that can be used to attach captions to an image or embeddable object.
Provides an email field.
Media Suite (some disabled, all available)
Provides an extensible framework for managing files and multimedia assets, regardless of whether they are hosted on your own site or a 3rd party site. It is commonly referred to as a 'file browser to the internet'.
Image handling is also done through this module instead of the older Image module. Drupal 9 has built in responsive image handling.
Mobile Friendly Navigation Toolbar
A very simple, mobile-friendly navigation toolbar introduced as part of the Spark project
Views Suite (some are disabled, all are available)
Views can be best summed up as a UI based method of finding and displaying particular pieces of content.
Provides for workflow control; the default configuration is to provide contributors the ability to create new content drafts and create draft edits of existing content. At this point, an editor or senior editor can make further changes or publish the content as is. However, Workbench can do much more. In Drupal 9, some parts of the suite are disabled but available. Please see the project page for more information.
Allows for easy integration of other client side editors in Drupal text fields.
Installed & Enabled Modules
These modules are for use on any site as a part of the UMN installation profile of Drupal 9.
Adds a back to top button at the end of the webpage.
Allows users to assign a class to a block for theming purposes.
Improves the developer experience through a set of APIs and tools.
Date/Time (all available, not all enabled)
Contains a flexible date/time field type Date field and a Date API that other modules can use.
Provides a Popup date picker for all date fields.
Adds a tab for sufficiently permissioned users. The tab shows all revisions like standard Drupal but it also allows pretty viewing of all added/changed/deleted words between revisions.
Allows link attributes (target, rel, etc) for links in the WYSIWYG editor.
Allows any entity to be embedded within a text area using a WYSIWYG editor. Combined with the Media embed module, it allows for media to be embedded from many sources such as Flickr, Facebook, Pinterest, Soundcloud, Spotify, Tumblr and Twitter.
Entity Suite (some are disabled, all are available)
Extends the entity API of Drupal core in order to provide a unified way to deal with entities and their properties. Additionally, it provides an entity CRUD controller, which helps simplifying the creation of new entity types.
Provides a UI and API for taking different site building components from modules with exportables and bundling them together in a single feature module.
Group fields together.
Provides an administrative interface for browsing and applying web fonts (using CSS @fontface, supported in all popular browsers) from a variety of sources.
Loads Google Analytics code on site.
Provides spam prevention on forms.
Provides a widget for inline management (creation, modification, removal) of referenced entities.
Provides a Link field type that supports a URL and also supports additional link text title, site wide tokens for titles and title attributes, target attributes, css class attribution, static repeating values, input conversion, and many more.
Provides an easy interface for internal and external linking with editors and fields by using an autocomplete field. Linkit links to nodes, users, managed files, terms and have basic support for all entities by default.
Displays LaTex or MathJax notations.
Metatag Suite (some disabled, all available)
Allows you to automatically provide structured metadata, aka "meta tags", about your website.
Enhance the core migrate module.
Creates drop down menus.
Allows content creators to choose from pre-defined types of content “paragraphs” and add them to nodes.
Converts nodes from using basic templates to using layouts/panes.
Automatically generates URL/path aliases for various kinds of content (nodes, taxonomy terms, users) without requiring the user to manually specify the path alias. This allows you to have URL aliases like /category/mynodetitle instead of /node/123. The aliases are based upon a "pattern" system that uses tokens which the administrator can change.
Brings a layout set that users of Drupal 7 would be familiar with.
Allows configuration of actions to be taken because of certain events (i.e. send an email when a new user is created).
Allows for custom robots.txt file.
Displays a Google Map within your content.
Provides a new forms API element to allow an “other” option.
Provides a phone field type with validation for whether or not an input is actually a valid phone number.
Provides a central API for modules to use tokens, and expose their own token values.Tokens are small bits of text that can be placed into larger documents via simple placeholders, like %sitename or [user].
Disabled Modules
These modules are installed as a part of the installation process but are not enabled and not used by the initial site structure. Disabled modules may be enabled by Site Administrators for use as needed with any new Drupal site built on the University's Drupal 9 service.
Allows a developer to hide the default title field and generate titles based on some pattern from other data. Ex: a faculty member node’s title is automatically generated based on their first and last name.
Provides a field type for storing address values.
A suite of modules that are meant to help developers. It includes helper functions, debugging, and performance measuring tools.
Integrates the Slick library with Drupal and allows you to build responsive, resizable slideshows. It is also a place to create and add custom carousels.
Allows redirecting paths to specific pages or external URLs, also covers functionality of the D7 Global Redirect module.
Provides configurable blocks of menu trees starting with any level of any menu.
Webform allows you to easily create forms, surveys, etc through the UI and record the responses.