Google Sites: Configure Google Analytics for Your Site

Curious where your site's traffic is coming from or how people navigate around your site? You can add Google Analytics to your site to help monitor its traffic. 

Note: Access to Google Analytics is allowed for University of Minnesota accounts that are not affiliated with the HealthCare Component (HCC). However, Google Analytics is not supported by Technology Help.

This article will cover:

Logging into Google Analytics

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your UMN email address and click Next.
  3. Log in with your University internet ID and password.

Creating a Google Analytics account or a new Property

  1. Follow the steps on the Set up Analytics for a website and/or app (GA4) article in Google's Analytics Help Center to register your website as a property within Google Analytics and create a web data stream.  
  2. Once you've created your web stream, you will be presented with a Web Stream Details page.  Copy the Measurement ID code from the top-right.
    Screen shot of the Google Analytics Web stream details tab, Measurement ID is highlighted.

Linking your Google Analytics account to your Google Site

  1. Go to your Google Site you would like to track with this ID.
  2. Click on the Settings icon by the Publish button.
    screenshot of the Google Sites admin toolbar, the settings icon is highlighted.
  3. Select Analytics in the left-hand column of the Settings pop-up window.
  4. Paste your Google Analytics Measurement ID in the box to the right.  This will automatically enable the analytics toggle switch.
    screenshot of the Analytics tab within the Google Sites Settings window.

Additional information

  • It can take up to 24 hours for Google Analytics to detect your tracking code. Once the code is detected, you will be able to review your web statistics when you log into Google Analytics.
  • If you are part of the University's HealthCare Component (HCC), you will need to request an exception to use Google Analytics. To learn more, please review Request Access to Additional Apps.

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