Drupal Lite: Add Page to Menu

In Drupal Lite, you can add any page to navigation menu that appears at the top of a page.

You need to have the Contributor role to add pages to the navigation menu. If you do not see the option, please contact the site owner.

  1. Log in to the site.
  2. Select Content in the admin toolbar.
  3. Select the page to add to the menu.
  4. Select the Edit tab.
  5. Select Menu Settings in the right sidebarThe menu settings expands.
    the menu settings is displayed be low the revision log message.
  6. Select Provide a Menu Link. The menu settings expands showing more options.
    1. Enter a Menu Link Title (by default, the page title will be used).
      • Enter a description. This will be a tool tip that will appear when hovering over the menu item.
  7. The <Main Navigation> is selected as the menu placement.
    • If you want it to be in the drop-down menu (second level, third level, etc.), select the Parent. In the image below, the page appears as part of the drop down from the main About menu item.
      • Note: unpublished pages will not appear in the menu
  8. Select Save.

the menu settings with Our Location in the Menu Link Title, and Our Location in the menu link title, and the parent link is About

a menu is highlighted on a drupal lite site showing the main navigation and a sub menu item under the About menu item.

Last modified
