Technology Help Website: Create and Edit Content

This self-help guide is for users who create or edit content on the Technology Help website.

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To request access please fill out the OIT-Websites ARF.

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Understand How the Site Functions

Create & Edit

Find and Edit Existing Content

Note: The articles in this section are written for Drupal Lite but are also relevant for the Technology Help Website.

Use Images on an Existing Page

In addition to using screenshots for specific technologies there are a few places to find images that are acceptable to use on the Technology Help website.

Add a New Page

In Drupal new pages are created using Content Types. Content types are similar to templates and are used to create pages for specific purposes.

Exclude from Site Search

Secure a Page


Archive Content

Get Help

If you do not have edit access to the site and need to request new content or content changes, please fill out OIT Digital Content and Communications Request 

If you have a Drupal question, please contact 1-HELP