Technology Help Website: Create a News Article

You can create a News article content type on the Technology Help website

In this article:

Use case

Use the News content type for timely updates about changes to technologies or services, typically as part of a communications plan. It may also be used for release notes. 

Important: News articles should document a single point in time and remain relatively static. We don't typically return to or update news articles as time goes on, except to fix errors. The content in news articles is not meant to be evergreen. If you need to create evergreen content, consider using another content type. 

Creating a News article page

  1. Sign in to the Drupal website
  2. In the top menu, hover over Content then Add content then News
  3. Confirm that in the Site Section drop-down menu, News is selected
  4. Confirm Published Date is correct
    • If you are updating an article, use the Updated Date field
  5. Fill in the content specified below in the News article template (on this page)
  6. Add a note to the Revision log message on the right side of the page
    • Briefly describe what you did to the page
  7. Select Promotion Options on the right side of the page
  8. Check the box next to Promoted to front page to ensure the article appears on the home page of the Tech Help website
  9. To publish the article, check the box next to Published and Save
    • To save the article as a draft to publish later, leave the box unchecked and Save

News article template

The following heading titles should correspond with the content fields you encounter while creating a News page in Drupal.


Write a title for your article that is brief and descriptive:

  • Always mention the service or technology name 
  • Avoid exceeding 10-12 words, if possible
  • Use title case

Since our articles are typically about similar subjects, use the following title templates and refer to previous articles titles:

  • Change to [technology/service/feature] [date]
  • Upcoming Changes to [technology/service]
  • New in [technology/service]: [feature]
  • [technology/service] Retires [date]
  • Secure U: [article subject]


Write your article. News articles should follow the same style specifications as other communications materials. Refer to the IT Communications Style guide

Main image

Either use an image related to your article or work with digital designer (Rus) to create one. 

Additional resources (optional)

Link to related services, technologies, explore categories, etc.


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