Secure U: Review of Cyber Security Best Practices
The current geopolitical situation may impact organizations both within and beyond the areas of conflict, especially considering the sanctions now imposed against Russia.
By keeping in mind basic information security hygiene and staying safe online, we as individuals can help to protect ourselves, our families, and our organizations. This is a good time to review best practices:
Think before you click! Most successful cyber attacks begin with a phishing email containing a link to a malicious document or login form. Make sure to think twice before clicking on links in email and beware of red flags. Recognize and Report Email Scams
Use multi-factor authentication. Duo is the University’s multi-factor solution. Most applications we use personally, like Google, LinkedIn, Amazon, and others also offer multi-factor options.
Update your devices and/or turn on automatic updates. Update Your Device Regularly.
Use strong, unique passwords and, ideally, a password manager to manage them. Choose Strong Passwords and Keep Them Safe.
Report suspected information security incidents. Recognize and Report Information Security Incidents.
We can all contribute to the cyber security of our families and our organizations. Please contact [email protected] with any questions about this.