Dynamics 365 (Microsoft)

Microsoft Dynamics 365 is an integrated suite of enterprise resource planning and customer relationship management applications

    Purchase or Download

    Purchase or Download

    UMN Licenses

    Availability Cost
    Department For installation on a University-owned device Pricing varies significantly, based on the license type(s) and options selected. Departments interested in using Dynamics 365 should use the contact information below to request a consultation.
    Employee For installation on an employee's personal device Not available
    Student For installation on a student's personal device Not available

    Instructions for Departments

    Licenses for Dynamics 365 can be obtained from SoftwareOne through the University of Minnesota's Microsoft EES agreement. To obtain a quote for Dynamics 365 licenses, email [email protected] to request a consultation.

    Terms and Conditions

    General Technology Products Terms & Conditions apply to this software license. If additional terms and conditions apply to this item, they will be listed below.


    Campus Resources