In order to keep website content accessible for the requirements made by the Department of Justice clarifications on Title II of the ADA, content managers need to remove or archive any unused or outdated content from their web sites.
This article covers the process using Pope Tech for taking an inventory of all website content and deciding what content should be removed or archived.
Running a report for removal and archival of unused web content
- Take an inventory of your Drupal content (pages, documents, media) with PopeTech.
- Crawl and scan your pages with Pope Tech to search for all documents and media.
- From the dashboard, select Alerts under the Most Common Issues heading.
- Select Total Alerts to see a list of all alerts, including Link to PDF document, Link to Word document, and YouTube video.
- Click on the details of the relevant alert, e.g. "Link to PDF document", to see a list of all pages where this alert is present.
- Decide which content to keep, which content to archive, and which content to remove.
Considerations for Archiving Content
There are two options for archiving content under the new Title II ruling:
- Archive pre-existing documents: For pre-existing documents, a document must:
- have been created prior to April 2024
- have not been modified after this date
- be a PDF, word processing, presentation, or spreadsheet file
- not be currently used to access or participate in public services, programs, or activities
- Archive other content under the archive exception: For the archive exception for other types of web content, the content:
- must only be used for research, reference, or record keeping
- must be kept in a special area labeled for archived content
- cannot be changed once it has been archived
Exporting a Report from PopeTech
- Log in to your Dashboard in PopeTech.
- Run a scan of your site.
- Select Accessibility in the left main menu; choose Reports in the submenu.
- Select the website you want to export a report for
- Note: You will most likely just have access to the websites you own. You can run a report for an individual website or a group of sites if you are in charge of more than one site.
- Select CSV for report format.
- In the Report Type field, select Results Detail. Button Configure Results appears.
- Select the Configure Results button. A pop-up window opens with various items the report can filter for.
- Keep the preset field Alerts and Errors.
- Scroll down to Select Results and deselect all of the Errors by clicking Select All and then clicking De-select All.
- Scroll down to Alerts. Select any documents you know your website has.
- If applicable, select HTML video, Kaltura video, audio video, YouTube video, and Vimeo Video to surface all video content.
- Scroll to the bottom and select Set Results. The report filter options pop-up will close.
- After the report filter options closes, on the Report page, keep the Region field set to All.
- Leave the date blank to get the latest scan.
- Select your name and anyone else you wish to get the report.
- Click Create. A page "Report queued for creation" with a green check appears.
- Check your email for the report and find the button Download CSV Report.
- Find the folder named PopeTech-Reports-DATE in the downloaded files area of your computer.
- Find the Pages file in that folder. A list of all CSV reports for each of the report options you selected in PopeTech will be there.
- Combine all of the CSV reports into a Google sheet and track your revision status from that combined spreadsheet.