Once you have added your website to Pope Tech, you are ready to crawl and scan your site to find accessibility errors. Sites added to Pope Tech are automatically crawled on a monthly basis. You can also manually initiate a crawl for your site. The crawling step is how Pope Tech find the web pages on your site; the scanning step produces the report on accessibility errors and issues found on those pages.
You can also watch the Quick Start: Crawl and Scan video tutorial (2:51).
Content Behind Authentication
Pope Tech cannot crawl content behind authentication. With additional setup steps, you may be able to use Pope Tech to scan content behind authentication.
Note: Only data classified as public per the University data security classification policy may be scanned with Pope Tech.
- For Drupal sites, see Pope Tech: Scan Drupal Intranet Content
- You can also use the Editoria11y module to uncover content accessibility issues from within the Drupal interface.
- For Google Sites, see Pope Tech: Scan Google Sites Intranet Content
- For other types of websites or web applications behind UMN SSO:
- Scanning content behind authentication is not supported for other types of websites and web applications at this time. You are welcome to experiment with this feature after reviewing the vendor's Configure Website Authentication documentation and the Drupal and/or Google Sites documentation linked above as a starting point.
- As an alternative to Pope Tech, you can use a browser extension such as WAVE, axe DevTools, or others, to scan content one page at a time.
- If you have content behind authentication in production that is safe to have in front of authentication in a development or staging environment (i.e. the lower environment is blocking all other traffic via firewall), you can use Pope Tech to scan that content in that lower environment by allowlisting the Pope Tech scanner's user agent [PopeTech-ScanBot/1.0 (+https://pope.tech)]. If you need the Pope Tech scanner's IP address, please email [email protected].