AppsToGo: Use Firefox or Safari

AppsToGo provides a portal for users of Windows (mobile, phone, desktop), Mac (iPad/iPhone and OSX), and Android to connect to a collection of virtual Apps.

Before you log on to AppsToGo, please complete the following:

  1. Install Citrix Workspace (formerly, Receiver) - you only need to do this once.
  2. Enable Mapping on Google Drive Desktop Application - you only need to do this once.

If you are using Chrome, see Use Chrome Web Browser.

Log on to AppsToGo using Firefox or Safari

  1. Launch Firefox or Safari and browse to
  2. Enter your Internet ID, which is the first part of your U of MN email address, in the User name field.
  3. Enter your password.
  4. Click Log OnYour Favorites page displays where all the apps you have access to are listed.
    apps to go log in screen.

Need Help?

Please contact University of Minnesota Technology Help using any of the methods listed at

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