Find & Maintain Hardware & Software for Researchers
With centrally-supported University hardware and software services, you can access and obtain support for hardware and software for free or at discounted prices.
All Services & Technologies
Endpoint Purchasing
Purchase educationally discounted hardware or discounted cell phone plans. Note: If you are purchasing with personal funds, many vendors will offer a discount if you let them know that you are with the University of Minnesota.
Endpoint Management
Request computer and device support including security patching, updates, and maintaining the general health of the devices.
Printing Management (Previously Managed Printing)
Print from your personal computer when you are connected to the WiFi networks, or use standard and large-format printers and scanners in our computer labs. Departments can request to have managed printers set up in their offices.
Find discounted or no-cost software for students, faculty, staff, and departments.
Do-It-Yourself Resources
Self-Help Guides
Duo Security adds an additional layer of security to the information you access online. The University requires the use of Duo for current students, faculty, staff, person-of-interest (POI) and for accounts that require more secure...
The University uses a two-factor authentication system for users who need access to its enterprise-level applications.
Regardless of how much data you have or where you want to send it, our data network services team can help you.
OMS can be contracted to manage your online project and provide expert programming support for simple or complex data collection projects.
U-Spatial provides support and training for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and spatial computing.
U-Spatial provides support and training for Geographic Information Systems (GIS), remote sensing, and spatial computing.
Related Services & Technologies
Surveys & Polling Software
Collect information from a variety of audiences and produce reports about the results.
Cloud Storage Services
Secure, collaborative, and cloud-based storage