Survey Project Approval Process

Surveys at the University of Minnesota are governed by the University Survey Advisory Team (U-SAT). If you are considering surveying anyone at the University of Minnesota, you must follow the Survey Project Approval Process outlined below. Follow these instructions to determine if your Qualtrics, Google Forms, or other surveys project is eligible to use the survey resources provided by the University of Minnesota.

Please note that this process is not for reviewing the content of your survey.

U-SAT Approval & Assistance Form

Responses to the U-SAT Approval & Assistance Request form will be used to determine if your project is approved to survey the University population. Requests will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If U-SAT does not approve your project, in order to conduct your research you will need to obtain sponsorship at the appropriate level.


Some survey projects are exempted from review. If exempt from review, the U-SAT Assistance Request Form does not need to be completed unless assistance with the project is needed.  Being exempt from review does not mean you are exempt from needing IRB approval.

The following activities are exempt from review:

  • Survey(s) sent to only individuals outside the University
  • Survey(s) sent to only individuals within your own office or classroom
  • Survey(s) sent to only individuals who have voluntarily joined a collegiate, departmental, or research study subject pool
  • Surveys used to administer online training or deliver course content
  • Forms used to collect or log information (e.g., application, ballot) for job applications or other like purposes


If your project is not exempted from review, the U-SAT Approval & Assistance Request Form must be completed prior to the start of data collection. The University Survey Advisory Team (U-SAT) will review your submission and determine your project’s eligibility. Depending on the assistance being requested, you may be asked to describe the following:

  • Population being surveyed
  • Purpose of your project
  • Sampling plan for the project
  • The educational or business need addressed by the project

Mass Email Policy

Even if you already have a contact list, your survey project must still address a University academic or employment need, otherwise distributing a survey to University populations will be in violation of the University's Mass Email Policy.


Additional Resources