Zoom: Pre-Webinar Checklist for Hosts

If you're hosting a Zoom Webinar, these steps will help you create the best experience for your panelists, co-hosts, and attendees. 

Note: If this is your first time hosting a Zoom webinar, consider reviewing Zoom's articles and videos to become more familiar with webinars:

Table of Contents

Initial Scheduling

  • Confirm the date, time, title, and description for your webinar
  • Assign webinar roles: host, co-hosts, panelists, and attendees
  • Decide whether your webinar will require attendees to register
  • Schedule the webinar
  • Meet with panelists to confirm the webinar's structure and content
  • Request any necessary permissions
    • If your webinar will host more than 1,000 attendees, apply for a Large Webinar License
    • If you are expecting attendees from other countries, request an international dial-in code. Note: This option is currently only available with meetings and webinars hosted by HST/HCC users.

The Day Before

30 Minutes Before

  • Start the webinar at the Zoom Web Portal or via your host calendar appointment
  • Enable Practice Session so that only the host and panelists can join
    • Greet panelists and review everyone's roles
    • As panelists join, confirm that their audio and video are running smoothly 
  • Set up and manage webinar tools:
    • Chat: Expand the More menu at bottom to allow or disable attendee chat
    • Participants: Expand the More menu at bottom to allow panelists to start video and mute on entry
    • Q&A: Expand the Options menu at top to allow or disable anonymous questions 
    • Polls: Select Polls to prepare to launch the poll
    • Enable Live Transcription: Click Live Transcript to choose from closed captioning options:
      • Assign transcriptionist roles if applicable

15 Minutes Before

  • Run a final audio, webcam video, and content sharing test
  • Review your host controls

5 Minutes Before

  • Mute all panelists; they will remain muted until the presentation starts
  • Use the Start Webinar button to move from the practice session to the live webinar and allow attendees to join
  • Attendees will join muted with no ability to turn their mic on unless a host allows it; they will be able to see and hear the panelists and hosts
  • Confirm that other presenters are ready to be unmuted and video is on
  • Moderator: welcome the attendees and let them know you'll be getting started soon

Webinar Start Time

  • Start recording (unless you have enabled automatic recording)
  • Unmute yourself and start your video
  • Begin the presentation
  • Monitor Q&A or chat for technical concerns from attendees 

After Your Webinar

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