Perceptive Experience: Scan a Document

Supported on: Windows
Required Software: Hyland Virtual Printer and Web Scan Toolkit
File Format after import: TIF image file allowing for annotations
Perceptive Module: Capture and Indexing

Splitting Batches with Patch Codes (Optional Preparation)

A patch code is used during scanning to separate a stack of pages into different batches at scan time. Prior to scanning, you must insert a patch code sheet in between individual documents. All newly scanned pages will be split into individual documents within the batch each time a patch code sheet is detected.

Patch Code Downloads:

Scanning a Document into Perceptive Experience

You can scan a document into Perceptive Experience, which will import it in the TIF format.

  1. Launch Perceptive Experience:
    1. Production
    2. Test
    • Note: For Testing only. All files uploaded here will not be in Production
  2. Select the Capture and Indexing Card
    Capture and Indexing card with a black and white arrow and index card icon
  3. Select the Capture button in the upper right
    Under Capture and Indexing, the blue Capture button is selected
  4. Select the appropriate profile from the Capture and Profile dropdown
    The Capture Profile dropdown shows Z Demo Student Records CI Scan selected. The Origin is UMN.
    • Note: Origin is always set to UMN
  5. Select the Start button in the bottom right
  6. Select Scanner as the Source and then select the Done button
    Under Select a capture source: Scanner is selected
    • Note: The first time you scan, you will need to select the scanner
      Under Select Scanner, FUJITSU fi-5120Cdj #4 with PixTWAIN is selected
    • Note: Depending on your scanner make and model, you may also see an additional window pop up with more scan settings.  If so, select the required settings or profile and choose Scan
  7. Once the scan or file upload is complete you will get two choices:
    1. Close: Use this if you wish to index the file later
    2. Open Batch: Opens the file(s) you just uploaded and allows you to index the document

Additional Features (Optional)

For more optional features, please refer to Optional Features in the Capture and Indexing module documentation.

  • Manual Splitting - if needed, you can split the captured pages into separate documents.
  • Add or Replace a Page - add a file to the document or replace a page
  • Add an Annotation - add graphics and markups to an image

Indexing the Document

  • To Index (link) the document with the required data, refer to the Indexing Documents instructions.

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