Perceptive Experience: Review Optional Features in the Capture and Indexing Module

Once you have captured your document into Perceptive Experience, you may use additional editing features to split documents, add or replace a page in a document, and add annotations.

Splitting Documents Manually

You can split document pages into separate documents before indexing and routing.

  1. Open your document in the Capture and Indexing module
  2. In the left navigation, select the page that should be the first page in the document you wish to split
    Page two is selected, which indicates it will be the first page in the split document
  3. Select the Split above… icon in the toolbar and choose Keep Document Type and Index Keys
    Selecting the Split Above icon will bring up Keep Document Type and Index Keys
    • Note: You will now see a space in between the documents and the drawer name appearing above each document
    • Note: Each document has its own dark gray background
  4. If you need to combine the pages back into a single document, you can drag and drop the page(s) from one document into the other one to combine them

Adding or Replacing a Page

You can add or replace a page in a document before it is indexed and routed out of the Capture and Indexing queue.

  1. Open your document in the Capture and Indexing module
  2. In the left navigation, select the page you want to have the new file go before, after, or replace
  3. Select the Capture icon in the toolbar
    The Capture icon is selected. It is second to the left in the list of icons.
  4. Choose the appropriate Capture Profile and insert method
    Under Capture Profile, Z Demo Student Records CI is selected. Under Method: the options presented are Replace, Insert Pages before, and Insert Pages after
  5. Select the Start button in the lower right and then follow your usual capture process

Adding an Annotation

An annotation is a graphic that you can add anywhere on a page in Perceptive to show markups or comments without affecting the original image.

Note: Annotations are only available for pages that are TIF format.  

  1. Open your document in the Capture and Indexing module
  2. Select the annotation you wish to use from the toolbar above the document image  
    1. Note: The available list of annotations may vary depending on your access
  3. Place your cursor on the image where you would like the annotation to appear and select to insert the annotation
  4. Confirm and/or change the type and template and select the Add button
    The Add button is selected. The Annotation Type is Highlight, and the Annotation Template is Yellow Highlight.
  5. You may resize, edit, or delete the annotation using the icons that appear when selecting the annotation

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