Perceptive Content: Set Up PaperStream

The following settings are for the Vet Diagnostics Lab.

Once you have set up your scanner in Perceptive Content, click the Capture button on the bar. The PaperStream dialogue box appears. Most settings will be left on default; only the settings in this article need to be modified or verified.

  1. Click Advanced in the upper-right corner
    PaperStream settings, Advanced tab highlighted
  2. Basic tab: Leave as Default
  3. Image tab:
    • Vertical Streaks Reduction: Toggled On
      Vertical streaks reduction toggled on with warning "the scanning speed will slow down when [On] is selected"
    • Dropout Color: White
      Dropout color selection options; white radio button selected.
    • Settings from top level should look like the image below:
      Image options with appropriate selections
  4. Page tab:
    • Cropping: Deskew
      • Note: You may also select Automatic Size
    • Blank Page Detection: Toggled Off
    • Page settings from top level should look like the image below:
      Page settings: cropping: deskew; split image: off; rotation: automatic; edge correction: on; blank page detection: off
  5. Paper Feeding tab: Leave as Default
  6. Batch tab: Leave as Default
    • Verify Patch Code Detection is set to Off
    • Verify Barcode Detection is set to Off
      Note: If either of the settings are set to On it will conflict with Perceptive settings
  7. Endorser tab: Leave as Default
  8. Output tab: Leave as Default
  9. Important: Save your settings
    1. Click the Disk icon
      PaperStream current setting with icons Disk (save) and Trash. Disk highlighted.
    2. Save as new profile. Enter the desired profile name.
      Save as new profile name radio button selected. Sample profile name "PerCo" entered.
    3. Click OK
  10. On the bottom of the screen click Close. You have now setup your PaperStream settings.
    Options Scan, Close (highlighted), Reset, Preview
  11. The next time you scan make sure you select the profile name you just created:
    PaperStream scan dropdown with example profile "PerCo" selected and highlighted.​​​​​​​

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