Audience: Vet Diagnostics Lab only
If you are a member of the Veterinary Diagnostics Labs, use this article to set your VDL Scanner settings.
In this article:
- Part 1: Setup Your Scanner
- Part 2: Setup a Scanning Profile
- Part 3: Setup a Capture Profile
- Making Changes to Settings
Part 1: Setup Your Scanner
- Launch Perceptive Content (local client)
- Click Settings
- Select Options
- Select Capture
- Click Manage Device List
- Click Create on the right side
- Select TWAIN in the Driver drop-down and click Next
- Select your device from the Device drop-down and click Next (the listed devices will vary)
- Note: Do NOT select WIA-xxxx; these driver types are not supported
- If you are prompted to acquire a License Key, click Next
- Click OK
- Click Yes
- You should get a Successfully acquired token notification. Click OK.
- Note: If you do not receive a success notification, please contact [email protected]
- Next you will be asked to verify the name of the device. If it looks good, click Next.
- You will receive a Device Added Successfully notification. Click Finish.
Part 2: Setup a Scanning Profile
Once you have set up your scanner, you will set up your scanning profile.
- Under Scanning Profiles, click Manage Profile List
- General tab:
- Click Create on the right side
- Name: Enter your desired Profile name
- Note: You will use this profile name in Part 3 of this article
- Select the Device from the drop-down (this is the scanner you set up in Part 1 of this article)
- Properties tab:
- Color: Leave color set to Binary (black/white). Otherwise, Barcodes will not be detected correctly and it will cause issues at time of scan.
- Sides: Select Duplex from the drop-down
- Put a checkmark next to Display TWAIN property dialog at scan time
- Image Processing tab:
- Front:
- Click Modify
- Double-click BarCode Detection
- In the right pane, click BarCode Detection
- Click Configure
- Under Orientation, select the radio button next to All Orientations and click OK
- Double-click Binary Blank Page Detection and click OK
- Back:
- Click Modify
- Double-click Binary Blank Page Detection and click OK
- Front:
Part 3: Setup a Capture Profile
- Click Manage Profile List
- Click Create on the right side
- General tab:
- Name: Enter the desired name
- Source: Choose Scanner from the drop-down
- Mode: Leave Mode set to Batch
- Send To: Choose the appropriate workflow queue from the drop-down:
- Admin: T VDL Admin Scan
- Lab Receiving: T VDL Receiving Scan
- Necropsy: T VDL Necropsy Scan
- Scanner tab:
- Scanning profiles: Select the Profile name you created in Part 2 of this article
- Click OK
- Scanning profiles: Select the Profile name you created in Part 2 of this article
- Batch tab:
- Put a check in front of Enable automatic processing
- Put a check in front of Bypass QA Processing Step
- In the Barcode Grouping section, put a check in front of Enable barcode grouping
- Page Limit: Type "999" in the space provided
- Document Keys:
- Double-click Drawers
- Type: System Drawer
- Value:
- For St. Paul Campus: T VDL Documents
- For Poultry Processing: T VDL MPTL Documents
- Double-click Field 1
- Type: Barcode
- Value: 1
- Double-click Field 4
- For Lab Receiving
- Type: Literal
- Value: Client Submission Form
- For all others
- Type: Barcode
- Value: 2
- For Lab Receiving
- Double-click Field 5
- Type: Sequence Number
- Value: Batch_Serial
- Increment: Every new batch
Note: This setting is used to help name the file later for the FTP Process
- Double-click Doc Type
- Type: Document Type
- Value: T VDL Documents
- Double-click Drawers
When you are finished, your final Document Keys setup should look like the image below:
Making Changes to Settings
If any changes to Settings need to be made, make sure to verify the following are still legible:
- Colored Labels located in bottom-right:
- RUSH: This is a Red label that needs to drop out the red and still say RUSH. The White Dropout keeps this legible.
- NUMBERS: Many times there are circled numbers written on these labels that need to be legible and not dropped off. White Dropout also helps with this.
- Dashes and Dots:
- DASHES: In some smaller text areas, tests are written like "345-356" where the dash gets removed. This results in only two tests getting run instead of a whole series of tests. This is usually from PaperStream trying to clean up poor scan quality issues.
- DOTS: Dots get removed from Email Addresses and other punctuation due to PaperStream trying to clean up poor scan quality issues.
- Red Circles:
- RED CIRCLE: Tests will be circled in Red ink. Make sure to test scans and that the red circles appear in the resultant scan.