Perceptive Content: Apply VDL Scanner Settings

Audience: Vet Diagnostics Lab only

If you are a member of the Veterinary Diagnostics Labs, use this article to set your VDL Scanner settings.

In this article:

Part 1: Setup Your Scanner

  1. Launch Perceptive Content (local client)
  2. Click Settings
  3. Select Options
  4. Select Capture
  5. Click Manage Device List
    Perceptive Content, General Tab, Scanning Profiles section, Scan Devices
  6. Click Create on the right side
  7. Select TWAIN in the Driver drop-down and click Next
  8. Select your device from the Device drop-down and click Next (the listed devices will vary)
    Device dropdown with selection of devices
    • Note: Do NOT select WIA-xxxx; these driver types are not supported
  9. If you are prompted to acquire a License Key, click Next
    License key pop-up with text "You do not have a license token for the driver you selected. Press next to attempt to acquire one"
  10. Click OK
    Pop-up box warning "There is no token for [device]. The licenses will be checked to see if one is available."
  11. Click Yes
    After license check, sample notification "There are 4 seats available for [device]. Do you wish to use one?"
  12. You should get a Successfully acquired token notification. Click OK.
  13. Next you will be asked to verify the name of the device. If it looks good, click Next.
  14. You will receive a Device Added Successfully notification. Click Finish.

Part 2: Setup a Scanning Profile

Once you have set up your scanner, you will set up your scanning profile.

  1. Under Scanning Profiles, click Manage Profile List
    General tab. Scanning Profiles section. Scanning profiles option and Manage Profile List button highlighted.
  2. General tab:
    • Click Create on the right side
    • Name: Enter your desired Profile name
      • Note: You will use this profile name in Part 3 of this article
    • Select the Device from the drop-down (this is the scanner you set up in Part 1 of this article)
      Scanning Profile, General tab, profile settings section with Name, Description, and Device options.
  3. Properties tab:
    • Color: Leave color set to Binary (black/white). Otherwise, Barcodes will not be detected correctly and it will cause issues at time of scan.
    • Sides: Select Duplex from the drop-down
    • Put a checkmark next to Display TWAIN property dialog at scan time
      Scanning profile, Properties tab with settings for paper size, color, sides, DPI.
  4. Image Processing tab:
    • Front:
      1. Click Modify
      2. Double-click BarCode Detection
        1. In the right pane, click BarCode Detection
        2. Click Configure
        3. Under Orientation, select the radio button next to All Orientations and click OK
          Image processing tab, barcode detection properties, Orientation section. All orientations selected and highlighted.
      3. Double-click Binary Blank Page Detection and click OK
    • Back:
      1. Click Modify
      2. Double-click Binary Blank Page Detection and click OK

Part 3: Setup a Capture Profile

  1. Click Manage Profile List
  2. Click Create on the right side
  3. General tab:
    1. Name: Enter the desired name
    2. Source: Choose Scanner from the drop-down
    3. Mode: Leave Mode set to Batch
    4. Send To: Choose the appropriate workflow queue from the drop-down:
      • Admin: T VDL Admin Scan
      • Lab Receiving: T VDL Receiving Scan
      • MPTL: T VDL MPTL Scan
      • Necropsy: T VDL Necropsy Scan
        Example General Tab with appropriate selections made
  4. Scanner tab:
    1. Scanning profiles: Select the Profile name you created in Part 2 of this article
      Scanner tab, scanning profiles dropdown. Example profile name Duplex Scanning selected.
    2. Click OK
  5. Batch tab:
    1. Put a check in front of Enable automatic processing
    2. Put a check in front of Bypass QA Processing Step
    3. In the Barcode Grouping section, put a check in front of Enable barcode grouping
    4. Page Limit: Type "999" in the space provided
      Capture profile Batch tab with appropriate settings selected.
  6. Document Keys:
    1. Double-click Drawers
      1. Type: System Drawer
      2. Value:
        • For St. Paul Campus: T VDL Documents
        • For Poultry Processing: T VDL MPTL Documents
    2. Double-click Field 1
      1. Type: Barcode
      2. Value: 1
    3. Double-click Field 4
      • For Lab Receiving
        1. Type: Literal
        2. Value: Client Submission Form
      • For all others
        1. Type: Barcode
        2. Value: 2
    4. Double-click Field 5
      1. Type: Sequence Number
      2. Value: Batch_Serial
      3. Increment: Every new batch
        Note: This setting is used to help name the file later for the FTP Process
    5. Double-click Doc Type
      1. Type: Document Type
      2. Value: T VDL Documents

When you are finished, your final Document Keys setup should look like the image below:
Document keys section with appropriate selections made, displayed in a 3-column list by Document Key title, Type, and Value.

Making Changes to Settings

If any changes to Settings need to be made, make sure to verify the following are still legible:

  • Colored Labels located in bottom-right:
    • RUSH: This is a Red label that needs to drop out the red and still say RUSH. The White Dropout keeps this legible.
    • NUMBERS: Many times there are circled numbers written on these labels that need to be legible and not dropped off. White Dropout also helps with this.
  • Dashes and Dots:
    • DASHES: In some smaller text areas, tests are written like "345-356" where the dash gets removed. This results in only two tests getting run instead of a whole series of tests. This is usually from PaperStream trying to clean up poor scan quality issues.
    • DOTS: Dots get removed from Email Addresses and other punctuation due to PaperStream trying to clean up poor scan quality issues.
  • Red Circles:
    • RED CIRCLE: Tests will be circled in Red ink. Make sure to test scans and that the red circles appear in the resultant scan.

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