Jadu Central: Unable to View Recently Created Form

In the Jadu Central Form Building Environment, if you are unable to view a form you have recently created and/or worked on, the form may be offline. You can usually resolve the issue by removing the default Status: Online view filter.

To remove the filter:

  1. Log into the UMN Jadu Central Form Building Environment
  2. Expand the Forms menu on the left-hand side, then select All Forms.
  3. Under the All Forms heading, in the Filter by section, remove the Status: Online filter by clicking the X.
    Jadu Central forms tab. Filter by with filter options: admin, status: online with X remove icon highlighted.
  4. You should now be able to see offline forms as well as Live forms. 

Note: For information on making a form Live, review View and Test a Form in the Form Builder Environment.

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