GitHub is a web-based code hosting and revision control system., the largest instance of GitHub, is free to use for open-source projects, and is not managed by the University. However, the University hosts a private GitHub Enterprise instance for use by students, staff and sponsored accounts with Active Directory access. Departmental accounts are unable to use the University's Github service.
Any interested user who is ineligible for a account is welcome to create an account at, though they will not be able to contribute to projects.
You can access the UMN Github instance at
Determining Your Active Directory (AD) Account Status
Active Directory (AD) accounts are tied to your University Internet ID. Your AD password is the same as your University Internet Password.
Your AD account status can be found on your User Details page ( Look for the "Provisioned Accounts" section and check the status next to AD Account. It will need to be listed as Active to sign into
NOTE: GitHub@UMN will not allow passwords that contain the ">" symbol ("greater than" symbol). If your password contains this character, you will need to change your password. This can be done on the Internet Account Options page at, or by contacting the Technology Helpline.
Take a look at the GitHub Frequently Asked Questions page before asking for help. Many common questions/concerns can be answered through this resource!
If you have any questions about GitHub-specific issues or concerns, please reference the GitHub Help site, or contact GitHub Support directly. Please contact Technology Help if you have any additional questions.