Instructors using the Zoom tool inside Canvas to schedule virtual meetings for their classes and using cloud recording to save the meetings should consider deleting the recordings at the conclusion of the class. This helps to ensure student privacy and saves storage room for other uses. Learn more about Zoom Recording Retention and Management.
- Only the owner of a Zoom meeting can delete its associated cloud recordings.
- Deleting the recordings from inside Canvas is quick and easy.
- TAs that recorded lab or discussion sections should also be reminded to delete their cloud recordings.
Deleting Zoom Class Recordings
- Log in to Canvas and navigate to your course.
- Click on Zoom in the course menu.
- Click the Cloud Recordings tab.
- Click Delete All.
- This will delete all the recordings that you own in this class.
- Any recordings from meetings scheduled by TAs or other instructors through the Zoom tool will not be deleted because you do not own them.
- You can send these instructions to your TAs to delete their recordings without worrying about them accidentally deleting other recordings.