Training Hub: Remove a Section

A section can be removed from a course only if there are no enrolled, in progress, or completed learners in the section. The action will remove all information about the section. It cannot be undone.

Note: When a new course is created, a default section is created with a section identifier of 001. This default section cannot be removed.

In the table below, only one section has a Remove button -- section UMA111-A -- because there are no enrolled learners. (Section 001 is the default section and cannot be removed.)

the sections table shows 4 sections. only one has a remove button.


Removing a section

  1. Click Courses from the Admin Console. The course list is displayed.
  2. Locate the course. Use the Search box in the upper right to filter the list of courses.
  3. Click the Edit button. The Edit Course form is displayed.
  4. Scroll down to the sections table.
  5. Locate the section you wish to remove.
  6. Click the Remove button. A prompt will ask if you are sure.
  7. Click OK. The section is removed from the section table.


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