Self-Help Guides: Reorder Links in a Subcategory

Note: These instructions assume you have logged into your Drupal site and that you have permissions to edit content in the site.

Reordering Links in a Subcategory

  1. Click Content in the Administrator Toolbar
  2. Search for the Self-help Guide Column you want to update, and click Edit.
  3. Click Links in the Subcategory where you wish to reorder the links. The list of links for that subcategory will open.
  4. Click and hold the Move iconMove iconnext to the link you wish to reorder.
  5. Drag the link up or down to place the link where you want it. 
    • Note: You can only reorder a link within the same subcategory.
  6. Save and Publish the column. 
    • Note: The options you see for saving and/or publishing the column will depend on how your site is set up.

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