Pope Tech: Scan Google Sites Intranet Content

You can use Pope Tech to perform an automated accessibility check on published Google Sites pages that require UMN Shibboleth authentication in order to view them. For Drupal sites, see Pope Tech: Scan Drupal Intranet Content.

Note: Only data classified as public per the University data security classification policy may be scanned with Pope Tech.

In this article:

Adding a Non-Duo Testing Account to Your Website

Pope Tech is unable to authenticate using an account that uses Duo

  1. If you already have access to a departmental account that has a Google account, you can use that account and can skip to step 3.
  2. If you do not have access to a UMN account that has a Google account and does not use Duo, request a functional account to use for Pope Tech testing with your website(s).
    • On the request form, select the following:
      • Which OIM environment should the account be created in?
        • PRODUCTION (Account will be created in OIM PROD environment)
      • What access should be provisioned for this Functional Account?
        • Google
        • Ldap (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)
    • Once your account is created, use an incognito/private browsing window to sign in to a Google product (i.e. gmail.com) with this account.
      • When prompted, accept the Terms and Conditions to activate the Google account
  3. Confirm that the non-Duo account can view your website
    • If your published website is restricted to specific people, share your website with the non-Duo account you will use for testing. 
    • If your published website is viewable to anyone in your UMN Campus Google domain, you do not need to explicitly share your site with the account you will use for testing (as long as your testing account belongs to the same campus).

Setting Up Authentication for Your Site Within Pope Tech

Before completing the following steps, Add your website to Pope Tech

Initial Set Up

  1. In the Website Settings, make sure the Base URL field is set to the URL that will prefix each path on your website. For example, https://sites.google.com/umn.edu/mysite or https://mysite.umn.edu for a website with a vanity URL. Pope Tech may have automatically updated this field after you saved it to something beginning with https://accounts.google.com/ - this will not work.
    • Check the Ignore redirect? check box underneath the Base URL to prevent Pope Tech from updating the URL. 
  2. Expand the Authentication Options accordion.
  3. Check the box for Use Website Authentication?
  4. Leave the Authentication Type drop-down set to Cookie.
  5. In the Login URL field, enter the same URL listed in the Base URL field.
  6. Check the box for Use Advanced Authentication? New fields to set up step 1 under a new Advanced Steps heading will appear.

Configure Advanced Authentication Step 1

  1. Leave the drop-down field for Step Action set to Type into input
  2. Enter #identifierId in the Element Selector (example: #myId) field
  3. In the Input text field, enter the full email address for the non-DUO account you will use for your testing; for example, [email protected]
  4. Do not check the box for Is field a password?

Add and Configure Step 2 

  1. Select the Add Step button. New fields for step 2 will appear.
  2. Select Click in the Step Action drop-down
  3. Enter #identifierNext in the Element Selector (example: #myId) field

Add and Configure Step 3

  1. Select the Add Step button. New fields for step 3 will appear.
  2. Leave the drop-down field for Step Action set to Type into input
  3. In the Element Selector (example: #myId) field, enter #username
  4. Do not check the box for Is field a password?
  5. In the Input text field, enter the internet ID of the non-DUO account that you will be using for testing your website with Pope Tech. Do not include @umn.edu.

Add and Configure Step 4

  1. Select the Add Step button. New fields for step 4 will appear.
  2. Leave the drop-down field for Step Action set to Type into input
  3. In the Element Selector (example: #myId) field, enter #password
  4. Check the box for Is field a password?
  5. In the password field, enter the UMN account password for the non-DUO account corresponding to the username entered above. The password will appear as dots representing each character and there is no confirmation field, so ensure that you enter the password correctly.

Add and Configure Step 5

  1. Select the Add Step button. New fields for step 5 will appear.
  2. Select Click in the Step Action drop-down
  3. Enter .idp3_form-submit in the Element Selector (example: #myId) field

Add and Configure Step 6

  1. Select the Add Step button. New fields for step 6 will appear.
  2. Select Wait for time in the Step Action drop-down
  3. Enter 3 in the Wait time field

Complete Set Up

  1. In the Success Identifier Selector (example: #myId) field, enter #yDmH0d
  2. You will need to check the box acknowledging that you understand that scanning behind a login isn't intended to be used to scan any sensitive, private, or confidential data that shouldn't be stored on Pope Tech servers and that you understand, have read, and agree to the Pope Tech terms of use before you can proceed.
  3. Select the ✔Save button
  4. Select the button to Test Authentication to ensure that you have entered everything correctly.

Adding Your Intranet Pages

Pope Tech can scan pages behind authentication, but it cannot find those pages by crawling your site. You will either need to manually add the paths that require authentication through the Pope Tech user interface, or you can upload a CSV file containing those paths. See the vendor's Add Pages article for instructions.

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