Enterprise CRM: Understand Sharing

What is Sharing?

Default Sharing settings within CRM have been set by the Internal CRM Support Team and dictate the privacy of records and other information. Most of the records within Enterprise CRM are by default private and therefore shared just within your business unit.

As you navigate through the tool you may notice that there is a Sharing button at the top of different record types. This means that you are able to Share that record outside of your business unit and with other Enterprise CRM Users.

Note: while you are able to share records outside of your business unit you are not able to restrict access to records any further than they already are.

Who Am I Sharing With?

When you click the Sharing button you are brought to the Sharing Detail screen which allows you to review the current Sharing settings applied to the record and gives you the opportunity to share the record with more Users.

  • The list of current Users and/or Groups that the record is shared with show in the list with Type, Name, Access Level, and Reason.
  • Pressing the Expand List button from this screen will show you more details of the individual Users if one of the Types in the current list is Role, Role and Subordinates, or Public Group.
  • Name gives the name of the User or the Group.
  • Access Levels are as follows:
    • Full Access means the User can view, edit, delete, and transfer the record. The User can also extend Sharing access to other users.
    • Read/Write means the User can view and edit the record, and add associated records, notes, and attachments to it.
    • Read Only means the User can view the record, and add associated records to it. They cannot edit the record or add notes or attachments.
    • Private means the User cannot access the record in any way.
  • Reason gives information about how or why this record is shared with that particular User or Group. 
    • Custom Object Sharing Rule means that it was set by the Internal CRM Support Team. 
    • Manual Sharing indicates that a User manually shared the record by using the Add button from the Sharing Detail screen.

Clicking the Add button from the Sharing Detail screen will bring you to the New Sharing screen.

  • In the Search dropdown you are able to choose RoleRole and Subordinates, Public Group, or User to search for and potentially share records with.
    • Public Groups are groups of Users that have been associated by the Internal CRM Support Team.
    • Choosing Role means that any User with the Role that you have selected within Enterprise CRM will have the record shared with them.
    • Choosing Role and Subordinates means that any User with the Role you have selected or anyone that is affiliated to them within CRM as a subordinate will have the record shared with them.
    • Choosing User will share the record just with that individual User.
  • Depending on your own Role and permissions associated with your access to those records you may be restricted in what Access Level you're able to put in the dropdown.
  • After clicking on Save any selections made here will be saved and reflected on the Sharing Detail screen.
  • Users are not automatically notified when you share records with them so you may want to send a notification.

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