Enterprise CRM: Manually Create an Opportunity

What is an Opportunity?

Opportunities are sales, pending deals, or other transactions or interactions that your business unit would like to track and forecast. The Opportunity record type allows you to add probability information, track interactions in regards to the deals, and assign User teams and other information that can then be reported on or tracked as needed.

What Are My Privacy Options?

Opportunity is a record type that is private to your business unit. Any information within the Opportunity record is private to your business unit. Any record associations with the Opportunity are also private to your business unit.

Create a New Opportunity

  1. Click on the Opportunities Tab if showing in your default tabs or click on the All Tabs (+) button and click on Opportunities in the list.
  2. From Opportunities Home click New. This brings up the Select Opportunity Record Type Page.
  3. From the dropdown make the appropriate Record Type selection per your internal business processes and click Continue. This brings up the New Opportunity page.
  4. Once on the New Opportunity screen fields can be manipulated as needed and will vary based on your internal business practices:
    • You will default as the Owner but you will be able to change this on the Opportunity record once created.
    • Opportunity Name is a required field. Check with your internal business processes to see if you are using a standardized naming convention.
    • Organization Name is a required field and the Lookup icon can be used to find and associate an Organization record.
    • The Type dropdown currently allows you to select New Business or Existing Business per internal business practices.
    • The Primary Campaign Source allows you to use the Lookup icon can be used to find and associate a List/Campaign record as needed.
    • Delivery Date allows you to assign a date per internal business practices.
    • External ID allows you to associate an ID from another system or any other identifier of your choosing to the record.
    • The Category dropdown allows you to select a Category per your internal business processes.
    • Unit is a text field available for use. Check with your internal business processes to see if you are using a standardized naming convention.
    • The Program dropdown allows you to select a Program per your internal business processes.
    • The Plan dropdown allows you to select a Plan per your internal business processes.
    • The Delivery Location is a text field available for use. Check with your internal business processes to see if you are using a standardized naming convention.
    • Delivery Start and Delivery End allow you to associate a date range with the delivery.
    • Close Date is a required field and should be entered per your internal business processes.
    • The Stage dropdown is a required field that you to select a Stage per your internal business processes.
    • Probability (%) will be automatically filled in per your Stage selection, but can be manipulated as needed.
    • The Amount allows you to put a dollar amount in for the opportunity.
    • % Current FY is available for use per internal business processes.
    •  The Lead Source dropdown menu allows you to select a Lead Source per internal business processes.
    • Next Step is a text field that allows you to put additional information. Check with your internal business processes to see if you are using a standardized naming convention.
    • Description can be used according to your business practices to add text to the opportunity record, be it a short description of the opportunity itself or notes you'd like people in your business unit to see.
  5. Once all of the desired information has been filled in click on Save to be brought to the Opportunity record.

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