Canvas for Students: Create a Chrome Profile to Use Honorlock

During the spring 2025 semester, UMN is transitioning from using Proctorio to Honorlock for exam proctoring. Instructors may require students to use either exam proctoring tool. Both exam proctoring tools require Chrome extensions to function. Since these extensions conflict when used in the same Chrome profile, creating a new Chrome profile exclusively for use with exams proctored with Honorlock avoids technical issues.

Creating a Chrome Profile to use exclusively with Honorlock

Use Google Chrome to create a profile for Honorlock-proctored exams to avoid technical issues. 

  1. Open your Chrome Settings by clicking on your profile picture (top-right corner of a Chrome browser). A dropdown menu will appear.
    Chrome profile settings menu open with Add New Profile option highlighted
  2. Select Add New Profile from the dropdown menu. A window will appear directing you to Set up your new Chrome profile.
  3. Select the option to Continue without an account.
    Set up your new Chrome profile welcome window with an option to Sign in and an option to Continue without an account. The option to Continue without an account is highlighted
  4. In the Add name or label field, type “Honorlock Exam Profile.”
    • Important: If prompted to sync accounts at any time, select to NOT sync accounts. 
  5. Install the Honorlock Chrome Extension by copy/pasting this URL ( into a new browser window in the profile you created.
    • Do not add any other extensions to this Chrome profile. 
    • If asked to sync accounts at any time, select to NOT sync accounts.
  6. Log in to Canvas LMS using the browser of this new profile.
  7. Access your Honorlock-proctored exam. The exam set up will confirm that you have installed Honorlock in this profile.
  8. After taking a Honorlock-proctored exam, go back to using your default Chrome profile by selecting the Profiles menu in Chrome and selecting the other profile you normally use. 
    Chrome Profiles menu open with 5 profiles listed in the drop down menu. The Work profile is selected.

Important Notes:

  • Use the Honorlock profile only for exams requiring Honorlock.
  • Avoid installing any additional extensions in this profile to ensure compatibility.
  • Do not sync this profile with any other Google account that you have. 

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