Canvas: Course Navigation Menu Show/Hide Toggle

There is a button on the top of the Canvas page that allows you to hide or show the course navigation menu. This button can sometimes be selected by accident making it hard to know how to undo the change.

Showing and Hiding the Course Navigation Menu

  1. Locate the Courses Navigation Menu Show/Hide Button next to the course name.
  2. Select the 3 horizontal lines to either show or hide the menuCanvas course shown with the Course Navigation Menu expanded and the Course Navigation Menu Show/Hide button selected.

Navigation Expanded            Navigation Collapsed

The Courses Navigation Menu Expanded showing all course sections under the Show/Hide Courses Navigation Menu Button. In the image, some of the sections include Home, Announcements, Assignments, Discussions, and Grades.The Courses Navigation Menu Collapsed showing no menu under the Show/Hide Courses Navigation Menu Button.


Any questions about the Courses Navigation Show/Hide Menu Button contact Technology Help.





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