Canvas Grades to Peoplesoft: Improved Methods and Documentation

There’s a one-stop-shop on the Canvas course navigation for getting grades into PeopleSoft. Whether you send grades directly from Canvas to PeopleSoft or export and edit them offline before sending to PeopleSoft, Send or Export Grades to PeopleSoft is your starting point. The export feature now highlights mismatched current and final grades, honors the Final Grade Override, and offers the ability to include student names. All these options are explained in the Prepare and Submit Grades to PeopleSoft Self-Help Guide

Canvas March Release Notes

canvas logo on white field next to gold field with March 2021 release notes

Instructure releases updates to Canvas each month. See the complete list of Canvas updates released on March 20th. The next Canvas release will be April 17, 2021. Highlights this month include:

  • the ability to create a New Quiz from Modules. When you select Create Quiz from the list, the option appears to use either New Quizzes or Classic Quizzes. New Quizzes is the default, so take care to switch to Classic Quizzes if that is your preference.
add quiz module open dialogue box displaying New Quiz and Classic quiz options
  • an interface update in the Submit Assignment Button Wording. Previously to start an assignment students had to click the “Submit Assignment” button now that button now says “Start Assignment.”
Blue button with Start Assignment text

Student Rating of Teaching Update

Prior to changes in teaching and learning due to Covid-19, Student Rating of Teaching (SRT) was 60 - 70% paper based. Remote instruction created the opportunity to transition to predominantly online submissions that can simplify the process for students. The online SRT also benefits instructors: on April 8, an intuitive Response Rate monitor dashboard will be implemented that will enable instructors to view just-in-time updates on student response rates, for the current term and historical response rate. There will be more enhancements to the SRT platform, Explorance Blue, in the coming months. Keep watching the newsletter for updates. 

 Video camera in ia gold circle next to text "Academic Video Production"

Academic Video Production

Media specialists are available to work with faculty and instructional staff to produce videos. These can include:

  • lectures, recordings can combine video of the presenter and a computer source
  • interviews, via Zoom or Skype
  • demonstrations

See examples of videos produced for courses. Learn more about how ATSS can help you produce videos for your courses or other academic projects.

What is “My Media” in Canvas?

Canvas left navigation highlights the profile and points an arrow at My Media in the modal call out box


My Media is your personal library of all Kaltura media that you own or manage. (See how to manage video permissions in Kaltura.)

You can access My Media in Canvas by going to the Account menu and selecting My Media (Kaltura). Enabling My Media in your course navigation does not share your videos with anyone. 

To share your media with students in your Canvas course: 

Teach Together Minnesota!

The Teach Together Minnesota! virtual conference will focus on culturally-responsive online teaching and learning through the lens of discipline-specific breakout sessions. All higher education faculty and education supporters (Centers for Teaching & Learning staff, Directors, Instructional Designers, IT Support, Librarians) are invited to attend this day-long event on May 18, 2021. RSVP required.

Upcoming Teaching Support Offerings

Pieces of a puzzle being put together

Canvas Coffee Time

coffee mug with steam coming off it and UMN logo next on the cup, next to text, Canvas Coffee time

Join Canvas Coffee Time, an informal online gathering of instructors and academic technologists where you can ask for help, share successes or just listen in. This system wide conversation has included topics such as online discussion techniques, tips for using Zoom and getting the most out of your Canvas gradebook. Join us at 9:30 a.m. on the second and fourth Wednesday of the month in our Zoom online meeting room at the assigned time.

Vendor Training

Kaltura: Get best practices on using video to improve online course design, from both a technical and pedagogical perspective. Register for one or all webinars at Kaltura Academic Media & Pedagogy masterclass series.