
The University's online Student Rating of Teaching (SRT) tool is Explorance Blue. SRT is used to help improve teaching, to rate and acknowledge teaching effectiveness, and to assist future students in selecting courses. University Survey & Assessment Services (USAS) administers SRT for the University of Minnesota. 


The Instructor Feedback dashboard is available for instructors!

  • Enables students to individually rate multiple instructors who are collaboratively teaching a course
  • Integrates with Canvas to display an SRT link in each course, increasing traffic and participation by students
  • Integrates with enrollment and course information (PeopleSoft) to automate the rating process
  • Integrates with an SMTP server to automatically send invitations and reminders for online ratings

Getting Started


When course evaluations are available, you can access the online evaluations by clicking the Student Rating of Teaching link in each Canvas course. You can also sign in directly to the online system to complete an evaluation.


End-of-semester course evaluations (SRT) are available through the online system, Explorance Blue. Instructors will receive an email notification when results are available and will receive summary information from all completed evaluations, including a breakdown of each question posed on the evaluation form and individual comments.

For more information, see Student Rating of Teaching (SRT).

 When logging in to Explorance Blue, if you see "You do not have access to this system" please email [email protected] for assistance.

Departments and Staff

If you have questions about implementing the online SRT in your college, please contact University Survey & Assessment Services.

Getting Started

Integration into Canvas