Kaltura: Manage Video Permissions

Each video uploaded to Kaltura through Canvas has an owner. As the media owner, use video permissions to determine individual levels of access to videos for collaboration.

Video Permissions Access by Role
Permission Level View Media View Unlisted Media Publish Media Edit Captions Delete Media Add Co-editors/Co-publishers, or Transfer Media Ownership
Co-Viewer Yes No  No No No No
Co-Publisher Yes Yes Yes No No No
Co-Editor Yes Yes No Yes No No
Media Owner Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

In this article:

Adding a Media Collaborator when Uploading

  1. Open a browser and go to Canvas (canvas.umn.edu). You may need to sign in.
  2. Go to a Kaltura in Canvas location: My Media, Media Gallery, or the Rich Content Editor's Embed Kaltura Media button.
  3. Select the Add New button.
  4. Choose Upload New Media.
  5. After selecting the media you wish to upload, scroll down to the section Co-Editors and Co-Publishers and select Add Collaborators.
    Co-editors and co-publishers section. Add collaborators button with help text: Select users that will be allowed to edit the content metadata and related assets (such as caption files) and/or to publish
    1. In the pop-up window, start typing in a name or email address.
    2. Select the role(s) you wish to share with the collaborator.
    3. Select Add.
  6. After completing the remaining required fields, select Save.

Adding a Media Collaborator to Existing Content

  1. Open a browser and go to Canvas (canvas.umn.edu). You may need to sign in.
  2. Select My Media (Kaltura) from the Account menu. 
    Canvas, user account page. My Media (Kaltura) highlighted.
    • If prompted to authorize Canvas to access your Kaltura account, select Authorize.
  3. Your personal My Media appears. Find the video you want to add a collaborator to and select the Edit icon Edit icon located to the right of the video.
    1. Select the Collaboration tab under the video.
    2. Select the Add Collaborator button under the Media Collaborators heading. A popup box appears.
      Add a collaborator pop-up window. User search bar and permissions options shown.
      1. Enter a University email address (e.g., [email protected]) in the field or search for a person by first and last name.
      2. Select the checkbox(es) for the desired permissions.
      3. Select Add.
  4. To check or modify permissions, go to the Collaboration tab.
    1. Under the Media Collaborators section, select the Edit icon next to the appropriate member to update permissions.
      Media Collaborators summary screen. Collaborator has been added with Co-Editor and Co-Publisher permissions.

Changing Media Owner

As the media owner, you may transfer ownership to someone else. If you change the media owner, you will completely lose any ability to manage that media. To maintain access:

  • before transferring ownership, set yourself as co-editor/co-publisher
  • or, ask the new owner for co-editor or co-publisher rights.
  1. Find the video you want to change ownership of and click the Edit icon Edit icon located to the right of the video.
  2. Select the Collaboration tab under the video.
  3. Select Change Media Owner. The Change Media Owner popup box appears.
    Kaltura change media owner pop-up box with the warning Note: Once you change owner you will not be able to edit this media and it will no longer appear in your My Media list. User Kaltura2 is entered into the search box.
  4. Search by first and last name or enter a University email address (e.g., [email protected]) in the field to select the user you want to transfer ownership to.
  5. Click SaveYou will be returned to the My Media page since you no longer have access to that media.

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