
Good Practices

Use this checklist to create an accessible Canvas quiz.
Online assessments may be used to support instructional goals, even if your primary course format isn’t fully online.
If your course typically has timed, in-person, proctored exams, there are a number of options to consider if you wish to use online proctoring tools.
Design Exam to Be Open-Book Use the Canvas Quiz tool to create a timed exam that can be done open-book or in collaboration with others.
Conducting Remotely University policy allows for remote participation on doctoral preliminary & final oral examinations, and provides i
Create a Balanced Assessment PlanTo support your larger summative assessments, include smaller assignments that will also assess the key learning outcomes.
Identify Instructional Needs If your students are performing a practical or applied assessment, use your instructional goals to help identify an appropriate solution.
Create a Balanced Assessment Plan As you create an assessment plan that includes both formative and summative assessments, consider how you are sequencing assessments, and where students will receive feedbac


Turnitin is an originality-checking and plagiarism prevention service that checks your writing for citation mistakes or inappropriate copying.
This article pertains to course sites that have copied content from other course sites that use Turnitin for some assignments. The copied content needs to fixed when the error below presents itself.
You can add a rubric to an assignment that uses standard submission types. Note: The External Tool (Turnitin) can no longer use rubrics from Canvas.
Turnitin (TII) provides originality checking and plagiarism prevention services, ensuring original work from students and safeguarding the value of writing, including options to check student writing for citation mist