Midterm Exams
Create a Balanced Assessment Plan
To support your larger summative assessments, include smaller assignments that will also assess the key learning outcomes. For example, in addition to periodic exams, include a combination of a multiple choice quiz on lower-level content and a short assignment to assess problem-solving or application of content.
Use Technology Appropriately
Be aware that students may have varying degrees of technology and internet access; be thoughtful about the types and quantity of technology tools used in your course. Explain to students why each technology is being used, and provide links to resources should they need help.
Use the Canvas Quiz tool
Questions typically distributed on paper can be uploaded in Canvas using both text and images. There are a variety of Canvas question types for you to choose from, including multiple choice, true/false, fill-in-the blank, and essay questions. Responses for multiple choice or true/false can be automatically scored. Questions can be randomly shuffled for each student, ensuring that each student receives a different, but parallel, form of the test.
Request Exam Conversion Service
University Survey & Assessment Services (USAS) can convert your existing paper multiple-choice exams to a Canvas Classic Quiz. Learn more about the USAS Online Exam Services.
Add More Time
Online students may need more time than usual to navigate the exam interface, process questions, and type their answers, particularly if they must create digital diagrams or equations (If you usually allowed 55 minutes in class, you might offer 90 minutes online).
Allow Flexibility
Depending on their particular situation, it may be difficult for students to complete an exam at the same exact time. Consider offering a 12- or 24-hour window for taking an exam. In Canvas, you can allow students to start the quiz at their convenience while still giving everyone the same amount of time to complete it once they’ve started.
Ask Students to Show Work
Moving online doesn’t require abandoning handwritten work. Recorded voice messages can also be used, where students can describe the process they employed to get to an answer. These images can be submitted via:
- Canvas Assignments (Use File Upload submission type)
- Canvas Quizzes (Use File Upload question type)
Support Students Who Require Accommodations
If you use timed exams, quizzes and assignments, verify if your students require extended time and breaks. Some students may also require use of adaptive technology, captioning or other accommodations during assessments. Review instructor resources on how to implement accommodations in online courses and consult with the Disability Resource Center if you need assistance to implement accommodations online.